
My stock experiment?

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I put stock into an energy company over 1 year ago just as an experiment. I've been watching it explode since our oil crisis began this year. if went from $20 to $76 today. Did i predict it right or what? Now i'm kicking myself for not investing my money.




  1. Now you didn't predict it right, if you did you would have bought more of it and would be buying more as the price rose.

    Many investors and/or traders were and still are buying oil, most knew that we were having a shortage and prices had to go up, it's simple supply and demand.

    The whole market is full of "if's", "could of"; "should have",. the only thing in the market is "done it"

    In the market, just like in baseball, you not better than you last pitch.  So what are you looking to do today

  2. we have all been there.The big word "if". But "if " you had put money in it may have gone down, you will never know. We call this "jobbing backwards".

  3. Don't kick yourself.

    The statisticians will tell you that stocks go up after you sell and go down after you buy.

    The corollary to that rule is that stocks go down when you decided to go "all in" as in "I'm sure the stock will only go up."  They go up, often straight up, when you don't buy and adopt a "wait and see" attitude.
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