
My stomach always hurts.?

by  |  earlier

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My stomach always hurts and I've gone to the doctors for x rays and other exams but no one found out anything. They say I might be constepated, but I go to the washroom normally. It hurts really bad in the morning when I wake up. It makes it hard to go to school. Please help!




  1.  I have the EXACT SAME THING. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is all they can tell me.

  2. I have the same problem. i have had severe stomach pain since I was 2 years old. It has affected my life, my school, and my relationships because I have a hard time going to class and out places because i always feel so sick. I have had numerous tests done, blood work drawn and been to muultiple doctors who all have found nothing.. there advice in the end, live with it, its just a stomach ache... sigh:(...all I can say through my rambling is I know what you are going through, and hopefully you will find a doctor who can figure out what is wrong :)

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