
My stomach has been bloated and... 10 pnts for best answer!?

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Recently for the passed two days my stomach has been bloated. It just feels like really heavy. I DID NOT have s*x, I am only 13. Last month my period only came for 4-5 days. I just havn't been feeling myself for a while. I don't know what it is. It feels really heavy and it is hard when I touch it. I don't think it is gas, but maybe? It was like this yesterday too. I am not overweight either, I am 5'4'' and weigh 115.




  1. Periods usually are about 4-5 days long, and if you're due soon, it could just be your body telling you so. If you're not tracking your period on the calendar, you might want to start that now. It's always a good way to learn when your period is expected. About a week before you're due for "Aunt Flo's" visit, cut down your salt intake, because salt = water retention. You should be less bloated if you watch how much salt you have in your diet.

    A gas pain might have been higher, and possibly more painful.

  2. Probably natural gas:)

    Hormones I do believe causes bloating.So it's very much natural.

    Try taking Diarex-The bloat medicine!


  3. You're fine!

    Welcome to puberty! It'll go away on its own!

  4. It sounds to me like its a symptom of your period. I would say your period is coming any day now. Mine does the same thing. I take Pamprin which you can find with the pads and tampons in the store. Take 2 of those a day for how long the bloating lasts and you will feel alot better.

    Hope this helps

  5. You could be eating too much salt and your body is retaining water. Cosmo gave the best option to get rid of bloating. Drink 8 8oz glasses of water in a day.. This should rebalanced your body in about a day.. And remember to watch your salt intake because it dehydrates your body and makes you hold in water, making you look bloated.  

  6. You're pmsing...this is very normal..don't be freaking out!!

  7. its normal, it'll go away soon

  8. I'm guessing that your period is coming up again? Bloating is a normal part of PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome). Just the annoying stuff that happens before/during a period like bloating, cramps, moodiness, etc.

    If you're really worried, talk to your mom, the school nurse, or someone else you trust who knows about this stuff.

    You'll be okay. =)

  9. You're probably just PMSing. A lot of girls get bloated before their period comes.

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