
My stomach is burning?

by  |  earlier

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It started 2 days ago. Its like a mild-moderate one. And its growling to. And I kind of at one or so times felt like throwing up but not alot just a little. But it gets like worse in the afternoon. And I drink alot of soda too. My mom says it might be a stomach ulcer or something and I should dring milk. Can you help?

DO NOT TELL ME TO JUST GO TO THE DOCTOR OR WEBMD because I will if it continues




  1. Could be heartburn, it is made worse by acidic carbonized soda.

    Try Tums!

    Have a nice day :)

  2. Stop drinking soda, eating spicy food, and eating late. Milk used to be the treatment for stomach ulcer. Look to see if you have any antacid like Maalox or Tums and try that to see if the feeling goes away. You can also try Pepcid from the grocery store. If you are adult size try taking 20mg daily and see how you feel.  

  3. You definately need to go see your doctor.. or at least swing by a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for something they may have to help you out for the time being...

    Tums, Maalox are good.. work pretty fast.

    Pepcid, Axid.. take about 1 hour to work but last longer

  4. Hi! Feiscool so I think you should try drinking less soda. Try drinking mineral water. Here is a link........ Hope it helps at least a little.


    I think it is about what you have. Drink milk and eat healthy foods.

  5. My guess is that you are (since you are getting older) not eating enough. When you get older, you need to eat more to keep you going. This happens because you get energy from the foods that you eat. That's also why if you drink a lot of soda, all of that sugar  that's bad for you wears you down. It keeps you tired. So it may take more to keep your body going. And the stuff you do eat will go to going into your blood stream instead of keeping your stomach acid regular, since the blood stream is more important. Also, soda has a lot of acid in it. Since it's acidic, you may be making your acidic stomach overly acidic. All of these things go to stomach ulcers. Milk should help, and stop drinking soda so much. Ulcers can come through your stomach and into your other organs if you wait too long to go to the doctor, so if it doesn't settle in a few days, call your doctor. I'm sorry, but you need to get it fixed if it continues. I hope that helps! =)
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