
My stomach is still numb just above my c-section scar 3 months out, does anyone know how long this lasts?

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My stomach is numb just above my c-section line. It feels funny and I am wondering if anyone esle experiences this numbness this long and how long before total feeling came back. Its been 3 months so far. Any info would help. Thanks.




  1. Hun 10 years after my twins were born my scar is still numb feeling its nothing to worry about and quite normal x

  2. My sister still has numb spots and her c-section was 16 years ago.  It's different for everyone, and there may be some spots that never get full sensation back.

  3. Mine was considerably numb and still sensitive and still a little swollen up to the 5-6 month mark.  Now its been a  year and the scar is still red/pink.  Its not swollen but its still numb about 1-2cm surrounding the scar.  They say its normal and it could last our lifetimes.

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