
My stomach just dropped to my knees

by  |  earlier

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My BF is currently deployed in Japan. We dated for 6 months before he left and we are now 3 months into deployment, he will be back in December. He has 15 yrs in the Navy. He didn’t got a promotion that he wanted and now is thinking about either:

1_ signing up for a tour in Irak to go for at least a year, 0r

2_Get his aeronautical degree but stay in this same city for at least another year.

As were talking about this he mention that currently he was happy with his life and comfy in this command. But he never mention anything about our relationship, I don’t even know if I’m a factor in this decision, which makes me feel bad as I’m waiting for him. He also said “it is easy for me to do this as I single & don’t have a family to move around” So were does this leave me? What should I do? Should I send him an email ( as I don’t know when will I’ll talk to him again) and tell him how I feel about this.

I love him and I think he loves me, but I’m scare about the future of our relationship… we have something good and even him had mention this. I want to tell him that I’ll support his decision whicheve it is.




  1. IF he hasn't committed to you he won't. Sounds like he likes playing the field. You are making yourself available to him whenever he needs you to be without any real effort on his part.

    Don't expect a commitment now or ever.

  2. “it is easy for me to do this as I single & don’t have a family to move around”

    It seems like he told you exactly how he feels.

    Don't forget, this is your life and you shouldn't sit around and wait for other people to get around to making it happen.

  3. He want s to stay single at this time  so don't crowd him and he may just look for someone else to stay single with... OR... You can look for someone who wants to settle down with you now

  4. In all honesty I would not trust him in Japan. The women are beautiful and although he is not marrying one or dating one they are available.

    Move on and DO NOT WAIT (God we women are mindless) and just tell him that you would like to know where this relationship is going

  5. Yeah ..... That would be awesome ..... send hime a link to this question ...

  6. You answered you own question:

    You dated for 6 months before he left.

    Not dating now so I guess he is not your boyfriend, he answered the question for you, and if your not married your never going to Japan unless you pay for it.

    In addition, use the spell check as well, not meaning to get on you but it will make you look like you know what your talking about if it is spelled right.

  7. He's a 'cold fish'. Tell him I said so.

  8. you might want to mention to him that usually what happens when people date is that they either get married and start a family or they break up

    just leave it at that

    you might really love him but if he is not interested in marriage how long do you want to wait for him to grow up and change his mind?

    I was dating a boy once who said something about girls "just wanting to get married"in front of his friends

    So I said, So tell me whats the point of dating? You are 25 years old,finished college. Whats next? Your parents were married weren't they?

    He was not very bright. It was fun to watch him squirm.

  9. The problem maybe that he is a young man and since he is in the military he is probably in pretty good shape. The fact that your stomach has dropped so much is probably not a real turn on for a man like this.

    He might be looking for a girlfriend who is in better shape.

    I think if your stomach has gotten that flabby you should probably spend some time in the gym before you see him again. I'm sure if you get your stomach back in shape it will surprise him and will help the relationship a lot.

  10. you have only been dating 9 months what did you expect? for him to plan his life around YOU. What a selfish beotch.

  11. send him a link to this question.

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