and charming, and polite, its starting to grow on me.. Have you ever tried not to like someone??
We are both in relationships, but he never talks about his gf and is always asking me questions about my bf. I see him at the end of the day when we have to sit and wait for 2 hours,so we just end up talking about random stuff and things that happen in our daily lives. We are from different backgrounds, but we like the same things, like what guy do you know likes "Dead poets society"?? that movie is so awesome, lol. My bf has never even heard of it.. but i still dont want to like my co-worker,
How do I avoid thinking about him, ive tried going on more dates with my bf, but it just doesn't work. I see my co-worker everyday but friday, and even then i feel like seeing him. I dont want to end my relationship of 3 years with my bf, but i cant stop freaking thinking about my co-worker, its so hard not to like his personality and the smart things he says.
My bf is funny at times, but i find myself talking the most and trying the most. My bf is a stupid mommas boy who does EVERYTHING for his mother, i bought him an Air conditioner for his room because it was really hot, I went to his house to install it and he didn't let me do it because his mom would get mad he didnt share it with her. Or I want to go out during the day to swim, to the gym, do little things with him and he never wants to because his mother wants him to do something else. My bf doesnt even go to school or have a stable job, i always encourage him but I dont know what to do, i know this is a stupid question, i just need some advice. Have any of you been in this similar situation?