
My supervisor communicates with me via email, and so it makes me really stressed and emotional on email?

by  |  earlier

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i dont hardly see my supervisors. they communicate with me via email. they tell me wat i did either did or did not go thru, assign me more assigments, etc etc. things i dont want to do. and sometimes its things i been hanging on bc i dont know if my application/petition etc went thru.

as a result i hate checking my email. i try not to check it late at nite bc i cant go to sleep after i read them. they reli work me up so !

what should i do? how can i be less stressed/emotional/affected by these emails? is there a special time to read it.... like right after or before i go to the gym or something? i cant like.. ignore them rite?

or is there like a way to look at them differently or something?




  1. check your email first thing in the am and then again after lunch work on the things that you can get done fast first then set the the things that you can get done quicker then the others first till you are all done or done for the day leave yourself time to send an email do not worry bout the inbox till the next morning they are not going anywhere so no need to get stressed about it

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