
My surgery is tomorrow, they're removing my toenail... I want to know how long I wouldn't be able to walk. ?

by  |  earlier

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School is starting soon, so I want to know how long I won't be able to walk for, if I can or not. If it's gonna be hard for me to do everyday things like get dressed, considering all I wear is skinny jeans haha.

If anyone has any information about this, it'd be great and appreciated.

Thank- You. :]




  1. You should be able to walk right away. You should also be able to get dressed. Tight shoes might be out of the question though.

  2. Hi,I have had a lot of nails removed and  on 2 occasions had the sides of my big toe nail the ingrown won't come back,once the nail is off,a lot of pain is gone,but you just have a raw toe to deal with,but it settles down after a couple of days,you can walk straight away but no shoe on that foot,I used a sandal for a couple of days.If you can get hold of gwava leaves,boil them up and bath your toe in it,when it cools down,that will heal the toe real quick.Good luck.

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