
My surround sound system sounds great ,onlyyou cant hear the actor very good when they are talking?

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My surround sound system sounds great ,onlyyou cant hear the actor very good when they are talking?




  1. you have the volume on your center channel turned too low or its not hooked up. check the recievers speaker menu and verify the center channel volume is up. then check speaker connections

  2. turn down the back speakers  they are for back round sounds.

  3. There are usually several 'surround' options to choose from. "Stereo", "5.1 Surround", "Dolby Game" "Mono", etc.

    I have a Denon and the best setting is "5.1 Stereo" for movies. Make sure you have 'calibrated' the speakers also. There should be an option to adjust the 'distance to speaker'. When you are sitting in the most center seat, and are 8 feet from each front, and 3 feet from each back, for example, you should be able to program that info. Make sure each speaker is hooked up right also. (Front left connected to front left output, center connected to center output,etc.)

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