
My swimming pool has a hazisness.I can see the bottom, but it isn't crystal clear as it should be.?

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Last week I noticed my above ground swimming pool was a bit cloudy/hazy.I vacuumed, shocked, used algae stop,clairifier, made sure the ph and alk were at the right level,and backwashed/rinsed.Nothing changed.Did the same again.The filter is working fine. I did a chemical test kit twice and both times the levels were fine, other than the cl was alittle low.I used the test strips and levels are fine. What could this be?The heat here has been in the 100's for the past week, could that affect it? How can I bring up my chlorine level w/out shocking daily? I use the 3in1 tablets in the skimmer daily.Any help would be great.




  1. there is either to much chlorine or not enough. also it takes some time for the shock to go away

  2. Melissa, try this...

    What you have i believe is Stagnant water.  It is staying in the bottom of your pool and isnt being moved around.  Take your vac on your pool pole and hose etc, as if you were going to vac your pool, and what i want you to do is in the center of the pool as best as possible, turn your vac head onto its side.  What you have done here is now you are forcing your skimmer to filter the water from the center of the pool to get the stagnant water filtered.  The cause of this is not normally chemical related <such as your case since your levels are all fine> But either there isnt enough people in the pool moving the water around, or your return jets from the filter just are not reaching the area and moving it around.

    Try this over night and check it in the morning and see how it works.

    Ive used this trick many times to solve these problems with many of the customers i service on a regular basis.

    Also if you are concerned that it might be low chlorine <which it could, but i think is doubtful> you can add an extra chlorine tab to your skimmer if you dont want to shock.

  3. either youm put too much chlorine, or water supply is cmoing like that, you maybe have something clogged otherwise.

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