
My system has become very slow because of playing games,even if i have do i make it work faster?

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My system has become very slow because of playing games,even if i have do i make it work faster?




  1. -Defrag your pc

    -Add another 512MB of Ram


    -Add 2gigs Total

    -Upgrade your cpu

  2. I would add more memory, most games are hogs at . If you don't want to do that I would clean up your computer, defrag etc. also uninstall programs you don't use.  Clean your cookies, also java cookies.

  3. Try to clean the whole computer.delete unnecessary things and start over the whole computer.

  4. Theres a bunch of things you could do:

    Downgrade your OS so it uses less RAM;

    Add some more RAM;

    Increase the page-pool memory so more files are run off the HDD and not the RAM;

    De-Frag your PC;

    Run anti-virus/ anti-spyware checks to make sure you don't have anything using your RAM;

    Turn off the majority of programs running in the background when you're playing a game (Anti virus programmes are frequent offenders when it comes to this)

    Hope that helps

  5. Go buy more memory or you can shut down some stuff from on the start menu.

    Go to: Start-->Run--> Type "msconfig" --> select "selective start up" under the start up options.-->then go to the start up tab--> deselect all non essential programs.

  6. do u play them online? if u do, make sure u delete the cookies or else it will store TONS of stuff u will never even look at. then do this once a week:

    start<programs<accessories<system tools<disk cleanup.

    it will show u a list of the files being deleted, and the size it will clear up. u can also have it show u more info about the file, in case u dont wanna delete it. then just press ok once you've looked over it.

    then after youve done all that...

    go to the same place, but choose disk defragmenter instead of disk cleanup.

    doing those should help clear up the hard drive some. the first time it will take a long time. oh, and also, when youre not using the comuter turn it off! it helps clear out some ram (the un-needed stuff)

  7. if you're running xp then 1 gig should be minimum. vista, 2 gigs.

  8. the best way is to remove the games which occupy much space and if possible format your window and then certainly install antivirus.

  9. 1. Either try to uninstall the Games (if you are bored!) or try to uninstall certain programs which you don't need now.

    2. Try to increase your Computer's RAM

    3. Defragment your Computer's Hard Disk regularly

    4. Use Disk Cleanup feature.

  10. Add another stick of 512mb RAM so that you have 1gb total.

  11. Upgrade to 1GB RAm at least.....

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