
My taco bell has tomatoes on it? is it ok to eat it?

by Guest64475  |  earlier

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my taco bell mexican pizza has tomatoes on it.. i asked for no tomatoes..(d**n ppl dont listen) nehow

i am deathly scared to eat it.. fast food places are now selling tomatoes again, but i am scared to eat it.. is it okay now to eat tomatoes????

i picked it off neways, but i dunno if the tomatoes by it bein on the food and me takin it off.. wut if the contaminated stayed on my food even tho the tomatoes have been taken off?

i know places r sellin tomatoes again, does that mean its ok?




  1. Only Subway is healthy! You must only eat at Subway! Vote for Hillary Clinton. She will expose the likes of McCain and Obama. She will take the job that is rightfully hers! She is entitled to rule our country.!

  2. its fine, calm down, pretend there not on it.

    its good to try new food.

    just be calm

  3. augh i hate this stupid outbreak. im a regular tomato eater, ha. i just think its stupid, salmonella is very common, it can even come from uncooked chicken. by the way people are reacting to it you'd think your skin would melt off your bones. eat your tomatoes at taco bell because if mexican food doesn't make you sick, then its not really mexican.

  4. Eat it before it gets cold!

  5. I live in Canada, so I don't have to worry as we have our

    own, but I'd listen to the above people.

    If it's going to drive you crazy or have you stay up all night,

    then just don't.

    But if it is being served again (I heard this on the U.S. News) -- they are only serving tomatoes from areas and places that

    have been checked and re-checked - Why miss out on a great meal.  Especially if you don't have any side-effects from that last pizza.  Relax.

  6. yes it is fine. All resturants are allowed to serve tomatos approved by the fda

  7. If They Are Sellin Them They Are Probably OK.The Taco Bell Pizza Sounds Very Tasty LOL :)

  8. i hope u enjoyed it and are fine now.

  9. Yes.  I went thru a drive-thru today and they had a sign posted that all tomatoes that were served were from approved and cleared places.

  10. they wouldnt be selling them if they were diseased.  they could get sued.  IT IS OK TO EAT THEM NOW

  11. remove the tomatoes

  12. I think you are doing the right thing by NOT eating the tomatoes.  A lot of Fast Food places have returned tomatoes to their ingredients, but just recently there has been more reported cases of salmonella and hospitalized people.      Tomatoes from certain places have been determined to be safe, but I'm not going to eat any until ALL tomatoes are safe.

  13. Most places have put them back on the menu!.. OH, and just incase this happens again and you get scares, Salmonella only kills children, elderly, and people with weak immune systems so im sure you would have been ok if you were one of the rare people to get sick from it.

  14. restaurants are only serving tomatoes grown in areas that have been cleared by the FDA. they should be fine.

  15. i didn't know something was wrong with them

    but if they're selling again they must be okay otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to sell them...

    please answer:;...

  16. I personally would not. Had the same problem the other night when I ordered Wendy's and requested no tomatoes. I miss them, but am scared. OMG! I didn't even think of tomatoes on pizza as I always order them on mine, thanx. Better safe than sorry!!!

  17. if they sold it to you it should be fine.

  18. yeah.

    they only sell it if it was approved by the FDA.

    so it should be fine.

    if its not,

    you can sue them.


  19. If you don't feel safe eating it, it's probably a good idea not to. I haven't heard any word from the FDA about them being safe again. The Taco Bell in my neighborhood doesn't put tomatoes in their food.

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