
My tattoo, maybe. drawing.. pic?

by  |  earlier

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well tell me what you think.. i drew it myself.. umm tell me what to fix. suggestions for addons, etc. and where could i put it? i was thinking hip area because i dont want it on my back.. like would it be okay if it was on my hip.. or maybe on my lower back, on the side? and about how much would this cost, if its about 3-4 inches in length, and i know it varies from artist to artist.. but just about how much? thanks!




  1. that would be really cute on any.

    its really cute

    your a great artist!

  2. it looks to cartoonish fix the eyesnd add some othe unique things to it and it would be awesome

  3. its an awesome design. i totally wouldnt get it on your hip though. if/when you decide to have kids, its gonna stretch out. i would get it on your lower back to the side, or on one of your shoulders.

  4. its nice. should get it in color look better. hips is fine and lower back is fine aslo. depend where u want it. depend where u live at? price is differents. ill say around 100 or so

  5. I loovvee it! You could maybe make the sun rays come completely around to make it look more unique. I really like the hip idea because everyone gets back tatts so you could be different. And a 3-4 inch tatt with color will probably be around $100-$150 if you go to a really good tatt shop. If you have time you can totally draw me one...I want like 3 small Hawaiian type flowers in a curve connected with a vine..I just can't seem to draw it right.

  6. i think its cute! get a tramp stamp, i like them ahah:)

  7. theres nothing to fix, it's perfect and I think putting it on your hip area is good too...or you can put it on ur shoulder

  8. Usually with this type of symbol people try to align the mouths to become one and make the eyes more similar

  9. well, tattoos are up to you but I "personally" think they are 'taboo' When you read the Bible and read how mankind was created it tells me that since we are created in God's own image, well, I have a hard time picturing God with tattoos on His body. Besides, since the human body is the most perfect piece of art ever created, putting tattoos on my body would be equivalent to painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa. You're the one who will have to live with your decision. I hope you make the right one.  

  10. It looks awesome and I'm sure it'll look great!! Let me know when you get it, cause I think you should! I'd also say the lower back cause that's where I would like a tattoo on a girl. I'm sorry but I don't know how much it would cost!

    Hope this helps! =)

  11. IT koo tell the artist to draw it tho he wil make better and maybe add someting koo  

  12. Ohhhh .... You’re going to get tired of that puppy real quick.

    The world is ending 2011.  For those with certain tattoos ... it just might not be soon enough.

    Thank you for calling and sharing … and shall we take our next call please.

  13. i guess it's all right. the sun seems to be happier than the moon.

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