
My tbred nose bled...?

by  |  earlier

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we were warming up for a dressage lesson and it just started bleeding....only for a few mins. while i was walking then it stopped. this has only happened once last year before our stadium lesson and the same happened it stopped after a while.

should i be concerned?




  1. I would call your vet out and have him checked out.  I knew a little mare that happened to and it turned out to be a stone (They had the mare put down.).  

    Anytime your horse bleeds from it's nose it's time to be concerned (Unless you saw it bump it's face/nose at the time.).  It means something internal is going on and it's WAY more serious than what you can treat.

  2. YES! I would be very concerned. Try and get the vet out ASAP. One of my friends had a horse that did that a couple times and one day he started couching up blood really bad. We had been hanging out and riding him earlier that day and he had been fine. Well, he started coughing up blood everywhere and we rushed him to the vet clinic. We barely got him to the vet alive and he had to be put down anyway. Vet said he might have been able to save him had we brought him when the blood first started coming out of his nose/mouth. His owners had found a little blood in the pasture (on buckets and on the ground) on a couple occasions but never discovered the source untill after the horse was dead.

  3. my horse used to do that and my coach said to put vics right on the inside of the horses nose to open up and help him breath. there are also strips (just like breath right strips for humans) that you can get to help them breath and not bleed. it helped me so much.

  4. Was it bleeding out of both or just one nostril ?  I think you should let your veterinarian put the endoscope up the horses nose and guttural pouch to rule out a fungal disease or worse.  At least you would know the cause and could start treatment ASAP or it could be nothing, but at least you wouldn't have waited til it's too late.

  5. TB are actually known bleeders. The nose wall is thinner than that of other breeds and if it is dry outside, or dusty then it can irritate the wall causing it to bleed. Unless she is bleeding on a constant and bleeding a lot I would not be too worried about it.

  6. When thoroughbreds work, particularly when they are working hard, they are prone to bleeding out their nose.  The horse's lungs are actually where the bleeding comes from.  This is most common in racehorses.  It will go away as soon as he stops working hard.  It doesn't sound like it's terrible, so, while it should be a concern, I wouldn't be terribly worried.

  7. if its just a little bit of blood i would not worry to much about it but keep an eye on it i would call a vet if it happens again.

  8. i would call your vet and have him come out and take a look at it

  9. I would be. Horses dont get nose bleeds like humans do. I would have the vet take a look. Better safe then sorry.

  10. Yes, I would be a little concerned, because if the bleeding is coming from his lungs, and you don't do anything about it can cause an infection. I have a barrel horse that bleeds when I run him, but I have him on lasix. That usually stops the bleeding. I would just call your vet and get your horse tested for allergies, alot of horses have allergies and that can make one bleed.

    hope this info helped

  11. Since it's a TB, he's what is called a "bleeder." You hear about them on the racetrack... sometimes when they are worked hard, they burst capillaries in their lungs and nose and get a nosebleed. It's "normal" for "bleeders," but I would ask your vet to come out and make sure it's not anything serious.

  12. It's normal in a Tbred, my mare is the same way. When it's hot and dry out they don't get enough water into their system and their vein in their nose pops. You can put them threw surgery for it, but I found that as long as I kept my horse hydrated, and even a warm bottle of water to dump over her now and then helped to cool her down. It is a scary thing when your riding.
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