
My teacher called me a "worthless loser". was this uncalled for?

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So i was walking up to his desk and i accidently bumped into his coffee and slipt it all over his desk, pants and computer.

He later got very angry and called me a worthless loser, which i reliped sorry to.

He later calls me into his office and starts yelling at me and we both start exchanging insults. Should i tell the principle about this prick.




  1. Um YEAH!  This guy sounds like he was out of line.  Very unprofessional!

  2. Get your PARENTS to deal with this. Write down EVEYTHING that has happened and tell your parents to take it to the principal. Schools ALWAYS ignore the students.

  3. Well, if you did say sorry about the accident then he should not have said those things to you, BUT, if you did it on purpose then that's a different story.

    Tell the principal only if you seriously did it by accident and that he should not speak to students that way, but you shouldn't insult your teacher in return either.

  4. you will need to report him to the principal, he CANNOT CALL YOU THAT! also he cannot yell at you. what he is doing is very unprofessional! by the way tell your parents also!!!!

  5. You should. He had a right to be angry and upset but not to the point that he should call you names. Tell the principal.

  6. The teacher's behavior is not acceptable.  However, I find it difficult to believe that there is no history with this relationship.  In other words, what had happened between you and the teacher prior to this occasion?  Hot coffee being spilled would not cause a response of "worthless loser" unless there had been difficulty between the two of you before.  I am not excusing the teacher, but I don't think we are getting the whole story.

  7. yes well in my school the teacher will get fired because the principle does nt belive in calling children belittling names

    plus you said sorry

  8. It won't do you much good, anyway.  Just remember, though, that "what goes around, comes around".  So I wouldn't be too surprised if a Seung-h*i Cho took him out.

  9. You should tell the principal immediately, this is unacceptable.

  10. definitely. Tell the principal. Take a tape recorderto school in case he says anything else then you will have proof. Did anyone else hear him say it? If so take them with you when you go to the principal.

  11. This was certainly inappropriate.  I would definitely approach the principal about the incidents, as that is quite a demeaning remark he made, especially if you apologized.

    If, as you said, you accidentally bumped into his desk, there is no call for someone losing his temper like this.  A lot of people go off like this, but someone with this kind of anger management problem needs to step back and take a look at their teaching skills.  He needs help.

    Confrontation is not the way to deal with young people.

    Talk to your principal.  It is obvious that the comment hurt you.  Maybe the teacher does not even realize how his actions are affecting others.  Time for a reality check.

  12. This incident should be reported to the principal and your parents. You are not a loser!

  13. Don't let what a teacher says get to you. Just remember that the reason he is a teacher is because he failed at life. So if he bothers you any more just think to your self 'My god how sad, you failed at life and now you are taking it out on me.

  14. you can report him for verbal harasment but if you want something done about it talk to your parents first if your not in college. But do it with out looking childish.

  15. Yes , he has no right to abuse you in this way , you're not his verbal punchbag.

  16. you should,..ur teacher's not setting a good example,..

  17. The principle will probably put the teachers word over yours, mine always tried to protect the teachers at all cost, give it a go though.

  18. He has an anger problem and may possibly be a prick.  I would tell the principal but who knows if it will do any good and it could just make you more of a target for his ire.  But, even if you don't tell the principal, make it known to someone.

  19. I'd let the worthless loser comment go when said under the duress of hot coffee on his pants and potentially ruining his pc that has all his lesson plans, etc. that might not be retrievable now.

    As for the later set of exchanges, generally speaking, yes, see your principal.  However, be prepared in case you have a history of poor behavior in his class or in others.  If you can be seen as a troublemaker in the administration's eyes, you won't have a strong case.

    Another thing to remember, teachers are people, too.  If you're giving your teacher a hard time, there's only so much the man can and will take before he stops worrying about setting an example and speaks to you on what he perceives to be your level.

  20. I would definitely report it .. and if nothing is done go higher up ...till u get results ... u shouldn't have to take that

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