
My teacher cusses out the class sometimes..........?

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yea my teacher cusses out the class and says he dose not care if he gets in trouble can i report him.




  1. Maybe you deserve it. Teachers have a hard job.

    Cusses=Curses, is 'cuss out' even a real meaningful phrase?

  2. Yes you can report him. But I think your reasons for doing so are not only for his cussing.

    So what if he uses bad language, teachers are human too.  

  3. If he's tenured, he won't be fired.  

  4. Of course you can report him, to the school board of directers

  5. That sounds unprofessional to say the least. Talk to your parents first. it sounds to me like there's some type of contention between you and him. I've talked with teachers all up and down the East coast. Generally, if a single student has a problem, it's up to the parents. If you have class mates that have witnessed the same thing, it's still up to the parents to step in. Do you really want to be on the receiving end of this contest?

  6. Yes, you can. Most school offices have a form you can fill out.   Be specific about what he says, maybe include dates.  Like another responder, though, I am suspicious of your motives.  There seems to be more to the story, right?  In my view, a teacher should never curse at the class or at individual students.  At least not out loud.

  7. Here, give him this to copy (except the part that talks about age).  I wrote it years ago for students.  Tell him you got it from another teacher, which you did.  Tell him copy it or you'll go to the school about his cussing (well, OK, maybe just slip it into his box anonymously as a reminder).  Actually, read it and you will see the message is serious.


    It has been said that the biggest thing that determines the course of an individual's life is attitude, and the type of words one chooses to use are reflective of that attitude.  One can choose words that build up and construct, or those that tear down and destroy.  A person with a good attitude chooses good words to use in conversation, while someone with a bad attitude chooses the negative.  A bad attitude can be if the person is seeking to hurt someone, is acting out of frustration with themselves or someone else, or even chooses to say bad words in passing conversation.  

    In the time of the American War of Independence General George Washington issued an order to troops at Valley Forge prohibiting the use of foul language.  In spite of all the concerns of his cold and hungry army, Washington thought it important to confront this issue, something that might be passed over today, because he recognized it as impossible to fight for something that was right and tolerate wrong at the same time.  Two centuries later the problem of foul language has not changed.  It still remains wrong, inappropriate and offensive in any situation.  

    It does not matter that bad words may be spoken in my neighborhood or even in my home.  Bad lessons can be learned as well as good ones, and if foul language is common in my neighborhood today there was a time when it once wasn't.  There was a time in my neighborhood when the use of it would have been considered shocking.  If the people of any community where foul language is common chose to stop it, it would improve community relations and respect for one another greatly.  

    It is also not true that everyone uses foul language so I should too.  There are plenty of role models in my community--teachers and school administrators, pastors, parents, or my elders--who do not.  In my country and my world are people of vastly different cultural backgrounds, many of which do not tolerate foul speech.  

    Up to now I may have thought the use of foul language was cool.  I hear it in cool movies and music.  I am very young right now, but what will life be like for me when I am 40, 50, or even 60 or 70 years old?  Will I think these influences to be so cool or important then?  Those ages may be a long way off, but they likely will come.  When they do, it will no longer be cool to use foul speech.  A 70-year old who uses it doesn't look cool; they look ridiculous.  

    So I am going to clean up my speech from now on.  I'm going to clean it up because I want to build my character and my attitude.  I want to improve my home, my school, and my community.  Most of all, I want to improve myself.  I want people to respect me, and I will get that respect by doing and speaking what is right.  This starts with the right speech, for what comes with clean speech is a clean heart and a clean mind.

  8. You might instead stop wasting tax payer money and pay flippin' attention in class and do your work!  

    If you report him and he is fired (fat chance!) your school district (and your parents' tax $$$s) will have to pay off his contract for the year and the salary of his replacement.  

  9. Do what you want.  

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