
My teacher is g*y doing creepy, sick things.?

by Guest10861  |  earlier

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I started school not too long ago one of my teacher is g*y (he walks and talks like it). He asked for everyone's phone number, addressees, email, and parent info. When he got a guys info he started smiling and got a b0ner. He made us do something with our fingers and he was directly comparing all the guys index and ring fingers. I looked it up suspiciously and found out it can tell if someones g*y or not. His desk is out of sight too.

Today he did something with our fingers again and it hurt only guys and when they moaned he got a b0ner.

Should I report him? Hes a new teacher to my school as well. . .




  1. no teacher should make any student feel uncomfortable. you can report him but be sure you can back up your claims.

  2. Let us give thanks to the liberal pc people that run our school system.

  3. I am so sorry for you, my choir teacher is like that too. *shivers* why must we get the g*y teachers? oh well if i were you i would report him to the office. although i don't know how affective that will be because me and a bunch of kid's in my choir class reported him and nothing happened. although i have to agree just because the man is g*y doesnt mean that he is attracted to every man he sees.

  4. idiot.

  5. Yeah i'm pretty sure this is just a joke. but- if you are (which i doubt) telling the truth. then report!

  6. C'mon, you're totally making this **** up. He's g*y, yes, but you need to understand that just because a man is g*y does not mean he is sexually attracted to every man he sees. Are you attracted to every single girl you meet? I doubt it. Quit being a hater.  

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