
My teacher is harrasing me and the school won't do something!?

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I'm not giving out any names here.. but I have this teacher and her name is Mrs. G. Nobody likes her, neither do I. She is gross, mean, old, and grumpy, but I'm still very nice to her.

About 2 weeks ago, I got asked to go home on the intercom. They said my aunt, my cousin, and my mom were here to come and get me. While I was packing up and writing down my homework, Mrs. G says, "Why are you leaving? I haven't told you to leave!" I tell her, "They just told me my mom was here to get me." and she tells me to sit down until the end of class!! Class wasen't gonna be over until another hour! I almost started to cry. And 20 minutes later my little cousin is at the door and she is calling my name & knocking. Mrs. G gets up and yells at my little 7 year old cousin! My mom came up and started a fuss with Mrs.G!! And I walk straight out of there without Mrs. G looking! And after that day, Mrs.G has been putting notes in my locker saying that she is gonna get me. !!!!!!!!! My mom says that shes changing my scedule but the school won't change it. What can i do to get them to change my scedule? We even showed them the notes and they didn't believe me. Mrs. G told them I wrote it and they believe her!!!!!I can't stand this teacher. She is crazy!




  1. just deal with it. or switch classes

  2. take one of then notes shes writing for herself or something oh her handwriting you have and compare it to those messages you have from her. And when you get next one DON'T TOUCH IT!!!! Take little bit of powder and search for fingerprints, then go to police and ask them to compare them to her fingerprints(even if she doesn't have a police file, they have to have her fingerprint because when ur older than 18 and getting an ID or passport they have to take fingerprints) or you can sue her for harassing and threats. Yea I know how it sounds but that what you have to do. Or instead of all this, you could simply swith school. Keep me posted about this please, its very interesting!

  3. I am finding your situation very unbelievable, but if it actually happened, have your parents speak to the principal.  If you get no satisfaction from there, contact your local school board.

  4. I find this all hard to believe, but if it is true, you and your mom should ask to meet with the principal or the guidance counsellor, or both.  If the teacher is actually crazy, and a few of them are, there must be other cases of this sort of behaviour.  Discuss this particular incident calmly and in a rational manner.  Explain to the principal why you were getting ready to leave.  Perhaps Mrs. G. has been having a lot of disciplin problems, and you got caught in the crossfire.  There are students who just walk out of class to go for a smoke or something, just because they feel like it.  Did Mrs. G know that you had been called to the office over the intercom?  Perhaps she was not aware of this.  Were you doing something really important in class, like a test of something, that she felt you could not miss?  What are the usual procedures for calling students out of class?  Did your mom follow the standard practice?  Who did the paging from the office?  Could this person verify that you were called down, legitimately, and so should have been excused from class?  Are you sure that Mrs. G actually was yelling, or are you exaggerating the story for effect?  If you do have a teacher putting notes in your locker, you are dealing with someone who should not be allowed in the classroom.  I am a teacher and if your story is true, the way you have told it, Mrs. G is not acting in a responsible and professional manner, and needs some help to get things under control.   If she has been teaching successfully for some time, perhaps she is ill or under stress, and needs some help as well. If you do not get your schedule changed, or the situation otherwise resolved happily after meeting with the people in charge at the school, you could meet with another teacher that you might know, who might be able to tell you what to do next with regard to who to see to get help.  Most teachers and school administrators are sane sensible people who have the best interest of students at heart.  

    However, in my experience, students and parent over-react, and create a crisis where there is none.  Students lie to their parents, leave out crucial details in the story to make themselves appear to be innocent, or to avoid getting into trouble with their parents.  Many parents and students believe that nothing has been done with a situation, when the administration has, in fact, dealt with the problem.

    What you should not do is start petitions, let your parents phone all around the communtiy and stir up trouble, go to the office of the superintendent or the school board and yell and scream and make a fuss,  write letters to the newspaper, or anything like this.  None of this helps the situation, and blows a little episode totally out of proportion.  

    That being said, there are situations where teachers are acting unprofesionally, or have nervous breakdowns in the classroom.  Students have the right to a proper learning atmosphere.  


  5. What a load of c**p.

    Yeah I'm sure an adult teacher is writing evidential notes and putting them in your locker.  because out of 200+ students and 500+ lockers she is stalking you....

    I mean give me a break.  I'm sure Mrs. G is at home right now wringing her hands and figuring out if she should leave the, "YOUR DEAD" note or the one that says "3:00 PM...BIKE RACK......WE FINISH THIS" note in your locker tomorrow


  6. 1- Were you in the middle of a test or important lesson? If so, then Mrs. G had the right to be upset.

    2- Was it a family emergency? If not, then Mrs. G had the right to be upset.

    3- Why was this 7 year old little girl knocking on the door and hollering your name while Mrs. G is trying to teach? She was disrupting Mrs. G's lesson. She probably should have been in class, too.

    4- Why did your mom fuss with Mrs. G? If it was a family emergency, she should have explained the situation with Mrs. G in a respectful way. If not, then she had no right to disrupt Mrs. G's class while she was teaching.

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