
My teacher is making me buy something and if i don't my grade suffers.?

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I am in JROTC. Every Friday we have PT or physical training. For the past 2 years I've worn regular shorts and a shirt. The new Colonel this year comes in and says that its mandatory, but not required to buy a JROTC PT set. Its 15 dollars. I know its not much but my family is on a tight budget. If we don't buy it and wear it every friday, she'll deduct points from my grade because i didnt buy it. is that illegal? is there something i can do?




  1. It's a uniform. It's not illegal. If you can't afford it, get a job, or find another class.

  2. Your teacher can require that you have it, as it's an extracurricular activity, but you should try going to the teacher first.  Just let them know, honestly, that your family really doesn't have the $15 to spare right now.  Ask if there's anything else you can do in the meantime, or if there's any way the school can help you out.  There are generally funds set aside to help students who really can't afford it - either alumni donations or something set aside.

  3. Your teacher should not expect that every student will be able to afford the uniform.  I don't care if it cost a dollar.  I teach Middle school and wants my students to get a one subject notebook.  Even though this only costs a nickel at wal-mart I don't expect every student to be able to purchase one.  Whether its legal or not to take off points I am not sure.  I know that they shouldn't take off points.  The first thing you should do is talk to your teacher either before class or after class.  Tell them that your family does not have the extra money to spend on the uniform. Ask them what you can do about it.  If they will not listen or not help you. Then I say go above them.

  4. Not illegal. Uniforms however can be a tax right off keep receipts see what you can do at the end of the year, even for cleaning the uniform can be wrote off!   If all else fails let the teach no you can not come up with the funds in a struggling economy that we are faced with. The school just might accommodate you. Good luck.

  5. no. it's a uniform, and you're supposed to wear it

    fifteen dollars isn't much. Even if you are on a tight budget, you can spare that little once.

  6. Some schools require all students to buy uniforms to wear every day.  Others require uniforms for gym.  If you don't buy them, you can get penalized in lots of ways.  You have said something that makes no sense, though.  The word "mandatory" means "required", so how could it be mandatory, but not required?  My guess is that as tight as your family's budget might be, you have bought many things which were not necessities for $15 or more.  Suck it up.  Whining doesn't work in the military.

  7. sadly it is not illegal...our school does that as well...if you can't afford it...just tell your teacher.

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