
My teacher is mean, discriminating, and unfair!????!??

by  |  earlier

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my teacher used to like me but now she obviously dislikes me. every time i raise my hand she looks at it and moves on, accused me of cheating, lying, being a lazy butt and underacheiving. in front of the class she cornered me and said "oh yeah, you forgot b/c you were doing hmwk you DIDNT DO to avoid a detention, right?" i didnt do anything and never will, i'm a straight A student and all teachers like me and praise me except her. she never smiles at me AND TELLS MY FRIEND THAT I'M A LIAR AND THAT EVERYTHING I SAY IS A LIE and that friend's work is perfect but mine is sloppy and that i look more likely to cheat and lie than she does. what should i do, my mom is disgusted my her behavior. worst of all, evey kid loves her!! omg.. help!




  1. geez... she really doesn't like you. The only thing I can think of is for you to tell your principal.

  2. Totally unacceptable situation - you should not try and handle it any longer - have you Mom take care of the situation - in one of the follow manners:

    These are things your Mom should do:

    Confront the teacher

    Take it to the principal

    Schedule a conference

    Send a note to the teacher

    Knowing exactly how to handle a problem can be difficult. Educators advise that parents try to work things out with the teacher before involving the principal.

    Consider observing the teacher in class.

    Take a list to the teacher to discuss the problem. The list should include specific problems -- simply stating the teacher "is mean" is too vague to address.

    Explain your concerns and allow the teacher to tell you his or hers.

    Try to resolve the problem with the teacher. If the teacher is reasonable, work out some potential solutions together. If, however, the teacher isn't responsive or refuses to work with you, consider taking your concerns to the principal.

    Be your child's advocate, but remember to remain respectful at all times. The principal is more likely to respond to a reasonable parent, not a hysterical one.

  3. she tells your friend that you're a liar?

    what kind of teacher is that?

    you wouldn't happen to be exaggerating a bit, would you?

    write her a letter,

    talk to her.

    that's the only way to get things out.

    or if things get worse,

    just go to the principal.

  4. You need to get you mom, the counselor, the teacher and the principal together. First document what she has said. Record it. Record what she has said to your friends. DO not go unprepared. You will lose. If you want to get some relief, you need to be credible.

  5. my friend had a problem close to that, her teacher actually failed her saying that she didn't hand any of her work in, when in fact all her work was up on the walls in the classroom

    tell your parents, and let them have a meeting with the teacher

  6. Well I hate a teacher that everyone likes and the only thing I can do is tell everyone that I hate all my teachers but she is the worst of all. I'm no nerd but she really is not strict anuf!!! When she lets the class go crazy I get headaches it helps me also 2 talk 2 people.

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