
My teacher made me feel like poo since I dropped his class...?

by Guest64895  |  earlier

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So, today everyone at school changed their schedules. I dropped AP chem, because I thought I had a lot of other hard classes, and I couldn't fit the lab in. I had a gap where the chem class had been, and I filled it with ceramics, so I could have an easy class where I wouldn't have to be all stressed out.

I had to get my teacher to sign it. He didn't say anything at first, but then he's all "That's stupid of you, why are you dropping chem for ceramics? Your brothers did fine in chemistry, and I know your smart enough. I think your making a really dumb decision." Stuff like that.

Now I feel like c**p, because I don't have a science class at all now, and my B day is super easy now. It was going to be early morning seminary (religion class), English, AP Chem, AP stats, chem lab. Now it's English, ceramics, seminary, AP Stats, and that's too easy. I don't even have a hard class anymore. Ugh, I don't know what to do, it's been bothering me all day.




  1. if your clever at that subject and could get a good grade at end of the year..i think you should do it ...but if you know you cant dont do it ..dont do it

    dont think about what your teacher said ..he probablys told you that ..because he knows that you will do good.. .think about what you want to do when your older..maybe the subject you choosed will affect later on ..

    dont worry hard at every subject < thats my advice and be happy lol ..

    anyways i hope that helped you..

  2. First of all, your teacher isn't your owner, so it's none of his business which class you take and which you drop. Secondly, it's not the end of the earth that your classes will not be "hard enough" for this semester. Pick up that chemistry class some other semester when it fits your schedule a little better.

    Getting an education should be a process - not a punishment. You don't have to push yourself to the limit and run yourself ragged 24/7. Some semesters will be easier than others.  Just be patient with yourself and sooner or later you'll knock off all those classes that you need to take in order to complete your education.

      Remember - life is a journey, not a destination!

  3. Your Teacher is Correct. I think that you can do it. The more you do now the better you transcript is and the better colleges look at you.

    Shawn C.

  4. haha, if it makes you feel better, i only have two real courses a math & an english, and a five electives, so i wouldn't worry about your schedule not being hard enough.

    ap stats sucks.

    lol, i really hope that a*****e under me is talking about my yours and stuff.

    Do I really care if I forgot an apostrophe, no so shut up dumb ***.

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