
My teacher raped me?

by  |  earlier

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Help I don't know what to do....

What should I do?

if you have yahoo messenger I need someone serious I can talk to




  1. GO TO THE POLICE ASAP! And make SURE that you DON'T take a shower because they can run tests and see if he has raped you, tell your parents and go to the principal



  2. Dont wait !! Dont be Scared and Tell your family immediately and ask your family members to accompany you to the police!! . Take Care Girl... :(

  3. you need to tell your parents and call police and go to ER to be checked out!!!!

  4. 1 in 3 young women and 1 in 6 young men experience sexual assault before the age of 18. You are not alone, do not be afraid to seek help.

    In Victoria, Australia, sexual assault counsellors are available 24/7 on 1800 806 292.

    Secasa website:

    Counsellors also monitor our mailbox at

    Online counselling is available through the nsw rape crisis centre web site.

    National numbers:

    Police: 000

    Kids helpline: 1800 551 800

    Lifeline: 13 11 14

  5. go to the police now call your family !!!

  6. Call the cops, don't shower. Tell someone, anyone. they'll help.

  7. You have to tell authorities anyone, police, his employers something, please say you didn't take a shower, because that means you washed off all the evidence.  

  8. Hi Kristy,

    I know you're very frightened right now, but you NEED to tell your family and notify the police.  He's capable of doing this again to you or to another student and he needs to be punished.

    Even if you've already taken a shower, he can still be convicted, so please call the police even if you've already showered.

    Additionally, you need to have a physician check you over for injury, STD's and to take the morning-after pill to prevent pregnancy.

    Good luck and I wish you all the very best! *big hug*

    Be strong and keep your head up! You CAN do this!

  9. are you serious? call the police rigth now,okay,rigth now

  10. Okay look.. If you want to talk privately send me an email I know how I can help you.. Ive been in this situation before..



  11. Tell the police right away!!!

    Your parents, too!

    This is no issue just to sit around and wait!

  12. CALL THE POLICE! OMG! You need to get help before he tries to do it agian and maby to another student. I know you might not want to tell upfront but it's the right thing to do.

  13. That's serious. You shouldn't take a shower, get to the hospital and report it. Action needs to be taken immediately so that there is evidence. Talk to your parents.

  14. Tell your parents

    Other teachers

    The principal

    And the police

    He needs to get fired

    And go to the hospital to check if something's wrong after what happened...

  15. This is really serious! How old are you? Legal action needs to be taken immediately! Take care, stay strong, and most importantly without any hesitation report this incident!!
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