
My teacher set my bed time.?

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She told us that we had to be in bed by 9:00 PM and I told my mom and since my bed-time is 10:00 pm shesaid ignore her and I was just wondering if it's illegal for her to make our bed-times ( im in 7th grade btw)




  1. She doesn't have a right to tell you what time to go to bed.

    Thats your parents rule.

    Not hers.

  2. she can't force you to be in bed t anytime and she's not going to know if your not going to bed at 9.

    my teachers have SUGGESTED bed times before but they never told us that when we HAD to be to bed

  3. GEEZ, YOUR TEACHER IS NOT. COOL. What she says doesn't mean anything to you!! Come on, your teacher can't set your bedtime. I think she's just trying to make sure you have enough sleep to focus though.  

  4. I guess..Yes.

    But it depends on your mom. Not the teacher.  

  5. I'm sure she was just suggesting it, she obviously can't command you outside of school...

  6. omg.

    are you serious?

    your teacher  doesnt know what goes on anyway,

    and if you get in trouble with her for going to be later then yuo can get her fired.

  7. Your mom knows what is best for you- if she thought 9pm was a better bed time, she'd make you go to bed then. geez, tell your teacher to back off.

  8. i dont have a bedtime and were the same age and if my teachers told me that i would say out loud in front of her "i dont have a bed time!!"

    just to annoy her to death.she cant do that.all she does is say "quiz on friday" and  "chapter 13 for homework."


  9. it's not like she's going to come and look through your windows!  just listen to your mom

  10. No, your teacher can't set your bedtime.

  11. HAHA No, she can't. She's not your parent, your parents are the only ones who can do that.

  12. She probably was just suggesting it. You're parents are the ones that can really enforce your bed time.  

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