I've always been OK at school. In primary school I was happy but a little wired. When I got to secondary school I found stuff harder but i managed to buckle down. In some lessons i realised i had this buzz that i couldn't keep in, and i started getting in trouble for it. As i started my GCSEs it's been harder to keep myself together, and sometimes i just lose it. i have stopped trying to hold it in, and i've realised that the buzz is always there. One of my teachers realised something was wrong (she just started teaching me) and suggested ADHD. She said she was going to mention it to my named person, but when i mentioned it to my mum, my mum outright denied it as if i was being ridiculous. my teacher thinks i may have slipped through the net. I also procrastinate, lose attention EXTREMELY easily, among other things. If my mum denies it, will it go any further? I really want to know what's going on. If you want more details, let me know in your answer.