
My teacher threatens to throw away my work if i dont write neater. im gonna try but can she really do that?

by  |  earlier

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also to to everyone else my handwriting is not that bad its just not neat like i cant really write on the line and it goes up and down. but its not chicken scratch.... and im the only one she said this too. its not racism cause well i dunno doesnt seem like it. and unfortunatly my parents agree with her




  1. Sorry, to hear that's happening to you. Same thing happened to me. Yeah, they can do it. I just started typing everything I turned in til my penmanship improved.

  2. Tell her you're trying harder.

    Let your parents know about this problem.  Just because your teacher doesn't like your writing doesn't mean that you haven't used the effort to complete the assignments!  It's not right and it should be stopped!!!  Tell your parents or the principal!

  3. She can, but she'd have to be able to explain to your parents or the administrator if they asked why she was doing it.  It sounds like she may be frustrated by the quality of work.  If you are really trying, talk to her about it.  Have your parents talk to her about it.

  4. Well, any teacher reserves the right to accept or decline any assignment; I mean, put yourself in your teacher's place, how would you like to grade a paper which you can hardly read? So, to answer your question, yes, she can really do that. Will she actually do it? If you don't improve your writing even though she has told you so several times, then yes. So do try and write neater, it's good for you, and it'll make your teacher's life a lot easier. I hope this helps :)

  5. Not fun.  I remember a similar experience.  Okay, I've been a teacher trainer for a number of years, and have horrible handwriting when I'm not really thinking about it, so here are some ideas.

    Your teacher seems to be trying to really motivate you to focus on quality (defined here as penmanship).  You may have a benign tremor, or be a more gross motor (big muscles) person.  Does your hand hurt when you write?  

    1.  Talk to your teacher and ask for ideas, so that your teacher knows that you are interested in really improving.  This will help more than anything else.

    2. Try to write with you feet flat on the floor, knees at 90 degrees and sitting up straight.  When you look at your hand when holding a pencil/pen your index finger and thumb should close in a circle, rather than a triangle.  Try to loosen your grip too.  Think of making circles as you form each letter.  If you're printing in roller coaster (below and off the line), try cursive...AND stay hydrated, it makes a difference.

  6. Yes, she can make you do it over and throw away the one you did.

  7. First of all as a fellow teacher I do not think it is right to throw away anybody's work. What message is he/she trying to send if she is throwing away the work you have successfully completed. To answer your question she can throw it away but where I am ceritified she can  get into of trouble not alot of trouble but have a good conversation with the principal. It is a very negative reinforcement to get you to complete your assignments neatly. She should give you praise like stickers or verbally (example: great job!) everytime you do your work neatly. P.S. Tell your parents that you know they agree that you write sloppy but throwing away your work is not motivating you to do your work properly. At least your trying your best and as a teacher Don't give up it takes practice!!

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