
My teacher touched me inappropriately, what should I do?

by Guest59428  |  earlier

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I have study hall last period and i was the last one getting out of the room when the final bell rang and i was getting my backpack and i was sitting at my desk and my male teacher put his hand on my knee (we have to wear skirts as part of our uniform) and tried to touch me elsewhere... what should i do about this?




  1. take it to the news..they love this kinda stuff.

  2. If you are 18, report it to the principal.  There is little your parents can do if you are an adult.   If he tries it again, kick him in the nuts.

  3. Tell your parents, then they should call the police.

  4. tell your parents.  

  5. tell the police, the princible and most importantly your parents

  6. report it to your parents, dont report it to anyone else. when you go to the principle he will take it seriously, but even he can't be trusted. go directly to your parents, theyll feel better you went to them first. i hope you do report the situation, for that teacher will eventually do that to future students, or is currently doing so with current students. dont let this go, if you do your just gonna let him get away with it. i hope i have been of some help, best of luck.

  7. report it to the principal.


  8. Definitely, you should tell an adult you know and trust about this, such as a trusted teacher, counselor, someone at church, your parents, or an Aunt or Uncle.  

    You didn't say how you felt about this.  Whether part of you enjoyed this or you hated every second of this, he should not do this.

    Saying something should stop him.  He will probably get in trouble.  The way you will know he got in trouble is that he should act differently towards you.  This may happen right away.  But it may take a few days or even a week.  If nothing changes after a week, tell another adult.

    It is best for him to act differently towards you - even if you like him and he likes you back.  Here is why.

    If you say something now he will get in trouble.  But if say nothing and he does this again to you or someone else he will get in a lot MORE trouble when other people do find out. So if you like him, the best way to keep him from getting into really big trouble is to say something soon. Tell him to stop.  And tell at least one other trusted adult.

    If you don't like him, you may not care if he gets in trouble or he acts differently towards you.  So saying something will be easy.

    You will not get in trouble for saying anything, but a few people might ask you a few questions.  If they do, it's okay for you to have someone else with you if you want, like your mom or a counselor.

    If you think he's cute, it's harder and more confusing for both you and him.  Adults have this type of problem too. It's hard and confusing for adults too.  But it'll be ok.  

  9. report had better be right..if you dont have proof or you are making this could be in big you could ruin a teachers life...

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