
My teachers a ***** she ripped my work in pieces 10TIMES and i dnt know what i sholud do help me

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My teachers a ***** she ripped my work in pieces 10TIMES and i dnt know what i sholud do help me




  1. Go to her boss about it, tell her you are going to file a complaint formally with your parents to freak her out.  Get some other school officals to back you up.  Also, secretly filming or audio taping her bitchy ways as a sort of "proof".

  2. that sucks.

    tell somebody.

    she shouldnt do that.

  3. I guess it was "that time of the month".  You turned it in, her problem, not yours.  Some teachers are crazy.

  4. **** happens.

    Get your parents to complain

  5. Report her to the principle or go to one of the counslors. Your parents could help too.

  6. Omg, you should contact to the Boards of Education or a principal unless your teacher has a good reason.

  7. Let you mother know she will take care of that teacher. You did the work no one needs to bother your work.

  8. tell your mother..!

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