
My team hates me?

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I play volleyball for a club team. I wanted this and worked hard for it, because it cost alot of money. I was driven to do this because I love the sport more than anything and I want to make varsity for school next year. Well, I got put on a mostly sophmore team, me being a freshmen. I also never get taken out of the game. I am the only person who doesn't. I was looking forward to a nice supportive team. Like I had for school volleyball. But this team hates me! I am a good sport and never get on people for there mistakes. I try to be helpful and supportive. Whenever I make the littlest mistake, my team yells at me. They treat me like c**p. They all are friends with each other, but have just decided to be very mean to me. Most of the girls are alot more competitive then me and are meaner to the other players already. I love the sport, but the way they treat me gets me really down. I don't think I can take the 2 months left. I will not quit. And I can't talk to my coach about it. ideas?




  1. Same thing happened to me in High School.  All you can do is get YOUR  mind right, work harder than everyone else and don't try to make anyone like you.  In reality, all anyone can do is control themselves. Don't take it personal, even though it just me be.  By doing this you will earn the respect of one and the rest will not be far behind.

  2. Been there!

    It was hard but I finally got the nerve tto ask a certain girl: "Do you have a problem with me?" She didn't know what to say and said she was just having a bad year (weird answer huh?). Things were a little better after that but I still made sure I was on a team with different players the next year - became best year ever! I still play with them.

    I don't think it could be worse by asking this question so you may have nothing to lose.

    Good Luck!

    P.S. Post what happens to help others and e-mail me if you can!

  3. I have been in the same situation (except opposite).  It scared me that someone else could understand it that well.

    I played club after my freshmen season was over (I was on the freshmen team).  I loovvveeeeddddd my club team, and some of us became really close.  But when it came back to school, I had learned so much during club, that I made the varsity team!  I was partially terrified, partially just not fitting in because the girls were all friends inside the team.  It was really frustrating seeing them having inside jokes, and getting really frustrated with me when I was actually panicking inside when they put me in to play.

    The same situation happened in my freshmen year.  I just DID NOT make friends.  

    From experience, I think that you should talk to your coach, and request that the girls back off a little.  You're not going to learn anything if you are under the constant pressure they put on you.  

    Plus, it helps if you are louder than everyone else, and lead cheers sometimes, they start to respect you a little more and won't criticize so much.

    Oh, and whatever you do, don't brown-nose them.  Be a trooper!  And good luck!

  4. You must have really jealous teammates

    I have to congratulate you on not wanting to give up and/or quit playing something you love

  5. your team is obviously jealous of you. they probably don't like being beaten out by a freshman for playing time. it has nothing to do with you personally so don't let it get you down. just keep being nice and keep playing your best. if you just ignore them, they will eventually stop.

  6. try not to let it get to you they're probably jealous and try talking to them about why they gang up on you and if does get worse you NEED to talk to your coach

  7. wow, I can totally relate to you. I play club too and I can't relate to anyone on my team. Its not that their that mean to me but they don't talk to me and their rood a lot of the time, but then I have to remind myself that I am not there to make friends and I'm sure your not either. With that being said I know it's still hard b/c team chemistry is important.

    When someone is being rude to you with whatever it is in life the best thing to do is kill them with kindness. If your rude back then their happy b/c that's what they want. So just keep up your good attitude and remember that this is just a tiny part of your life.

  8. im really sorryt to hear about it. if they are sophmores or mostly and ur  a freshman, they should be a role model to u about playing volleyball. y can't u talk to ur coach about it? i do not understand that part!

    anyways u could tell them that they can only think that they are better then u, but yet make the same mistakes that u make... they are trying to tell u that they are better then u are only cuz u r one year younger then they are.. that's all it is bascially.

    if they are yelling at u cuz u dropped the ball or didn't make a serve? then i would say something is seriously wrong with them. everybody makes that mistake. when they do that i would yel lat them for dropping a ball or missing the ball.

    that is all  u will have to do and then they should learn to be quiet after awhile. it will probably take awhile before they realize it but it will all work out soon

    Good luck and hope i was helpful!

  9. Here is a way that may make them change their mind about you?

    Does anyone in your team do the windmill serve? If you haven't seen this being used much? In other teams/players, then - it may help you gain some popularity?  It is a cool serve, and can earn you some good points. Also it can produce some funny results, so it helps change the atmosphere.

    To perfect it, you just need a cheap practice volleyball and find a wall nearby. Also you can develop a killer spike serve. You don't need to jump up and spike it, but just hold the ball up and then spike it - you use the same spiking swing, but ensure that you add the wrist curl movement when you make contact with the ball - this is for the extra spin, you can put onto the ball. Just aim for the top of the net, and the ball should go over all the time. Even if you hit the net, lower than expected, it may still climb the net and go over? This always adds some amusement...

    If you practice this for 20 mins on days you have 'free' to do so, you will have these going within a month, and by 2 months they can be part of your routine. You may be asked - how do you do that? eg. With the windmill, it helps to relax as much as possible, and with a spike serve - to overemphasize the wrist movement helps...

  10. try to be better then them but do not make them afended and cheer for a team player

  11. Tough situation... Don't think too much on it.  Just play your game and have fun at it. Your happiness will reflect on the whole team and you'll look that much better for it.

    As for yelling at you for the little things? I would let the screamer know you expect her to be at the top of her game as well.  Remember... Everyone makes errors sometime. Call her on hers. But be careful... If you have a bad day... this will back fire on you.  So you got to be on your game as well.

    You got to stand tough on a club team. The stakes are higher and everyone wants to win. Do this and maintain a positive and friendly attitude. Make jokes and show your having fun. I think you'll come out of this a winner!

  12. Well, you can try to talk to them and ask them why they are so mean. When they yell at you for doing something wrong, just tell them everybody makes mistakes and last time I checked you wern't doing perfectly either!

  13. tell them to shut up or to leave you alone

  14. wow, that stinks. You're teams just jealous of you. They're all in the same grade and it sounds like you're better them. Just keep being nice and encouraging. Eventually, they'll realize that their hate is unjustified! Keep trying. youre doing everything right

  15. i play club too... i was in your same situation. i was 17 playing on an 18's team, and they felt like i was taking over because i never came out. Sometimes when you're younger on a team of older girls and you are better than them, instead of being supportive they are jealous. dont worry about them just stay positive and dont let them get to you, if they see they've gotten under your skin they've won. Play your game girl. Make them even more jealous be getting all the kills blocks digs and aces... thats what i do when people hat on me....

  16. Start making out with them.  Then, upload it to YouTube.
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