
My team is out of the playoff race can I switch now?

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Can I?




  1. You can do what ever you want. But, most baseball fans have gone through endless years without their team in the playoffs. Year after year and if they are true blue fans they stick with them no matter what. I know this as a Brewers fan.

    There will always be next year, I say it all the time. Except this year we are looking good. Knock on wood.

    Stay faithful to your team, one day it will all pan out.

    If you have to switch, just try not to become a cocky bandwagoner.  

  2. root for the METS!!!!!

  3. You may root for who ever you want whenever you want. I don't know what country you live in but if you live in the US you have the right to do that. You may be a fairweather fan. You may be a bandwagon fan, you may drop the whole thing and watch something good on TV or go out and get drunk. No one has the right to tell you who to support or when to start supporting someone or when to stop supporting someone. If a restaurant sold bad food I wouldn't keep eating there. If a clothing manufacturer makes clothes that fall apart I wouldn't keep buying those clothes. There is a brand of CDs I do not buy because I've had problems with that brand. 95 percent of the time I don't care about any of the teams who make the playoffs and even less often with the teams that end up in the World Series. By then I'm watching basketball or watching a good movie. I'm not wasting my time watching teams play that I don't give a rip about. There is a team I'm interested in that has a very good chance of making the playoffs and I will follow them--at least for three games. My "favorite" team probably won't make the playoffs during my life time.

  4. just switch every week depending who is wining.

    that or STAY with YOUR team till the end and hope for a better year

  5. I don't think you should stop rooting for your team.  Are you a Yankee fan by any chance?

  6. you sound like a old red sox fan from the 70 and 80's starting to jumping ship already i am for one team only all the why win or lose

  7. Sure go ahead.

    Just dont be upset when your starting shortstop goes on national television and calls you guys front running fans

  8. Root for the White Sox!

  9. Don't be a bandwagon fan.

  10. Frontrunner.

  11. there is not set rule saying that "once a fan you can't change".  i suggest rooting for a team in the same conference/division that your team was in.  thats what i do when my basketball team is eliminated from the playoffs.  once the new season opens up then you can go back to your original team

  12. Cheer for the Rays. That's who most of the fair weather bandwagon fans have been cheering for anyway.

  13. im with RBKG dont be a bandwagon fan.

  14. You can do whatever you want, dude. This is America-- the land of the free.

    What will happen is people will judge you, but whether or not you care is your choice. But the thing considered morally upright is to stay loyal to your own team.

    If you choose to go ahead and become a fan of something else, I'd suggest the Cubs. I don't really like them, but they have a good chance of winning and it would be pretty cool if they did it this year, because it's the hundred-year anniversary of their last World Series win. Unless they play the Dodgers, I wouldn't mind cheering for the Cubs at least a little... not that I'd become a diehard fan or anything.

    For me, when my team falls out, sometimes I root for the team that is playing a team i hate. Ever heard the expression "the enemy of our enemy is our friend?"

  15. this isn't really an answerable question because people will just tell you to switch to their favorite team but sure you can. if you wanna see which team you should root for, go to and look at the regular season standings for your opinions.

  16. Root for a team that's in your favorite team's division or league.

  17. underdog! underdog! XD

  18. See, here is where a bandwagon fan is needed. The season goes on. Out of all the eight post-season teams, there usually is one you prefer over the other seven. Cheer for that one. Why not. Heck, when my teams isn't in it I still follow the game and I watch the post-season to the last pitch. It's impossible not to pick up a preference. All the baby talk against bandwagon never takes this into account. I'll pull for someone and anyone who thinks that's bad is immature or unintelligent. Enjoy the rest of the season!

  19. Okay, listen, I rooted for the Giants. They got eliminated in May. Then I rooted for the A's, they too got eleiminated. Then I rooted for the Marlins. Didn't work. Then I rooted for the dodgers, didn't work. This sucks. All the team I root for all of a sudden become realy bad. It's just like 2004 ALCS, I was rooting for the Yankees and I had tickets to Game 4 behind the plate. We didn't acualy get to our seats until the 9th inning cuz we had never been to fenway park until then, but yea the moment i sat down in my seat, the red sox changed the whole series

  20. As long as you don't choose the Yankees, fine. True Yankees fans live and die with our team. We stick by them through thick and thin.

    The last thing we need is a bandwagon fan.

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