
My teddy bear hamster does not want to be picked up?

by  |  earlier

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He hides from me. I've only had him for 3 days. What should I do to make him used to me?

I've only tried to pick him up and pet him at night when he is awake. HELP!!!




  1. He's still adjusting. I know it's hard because you want to play with him, but you just have to let him get used to you and his new environment. However, you need to get him used to being handled as well. Gently pet him when he's in his cage and speak softly. Offer him a treat from your hand. Pick him up and feed him a treat and pet him softly. This should get him used to you. Good luck!

  2. Many hamsters don't like to be held. He is still adjusting to his new inveroment. Wait a couple more days. Just grab him and hold him and put him in a hamster ball. After a while he will like to be held.

  3. What I did was first i woke him up and i let him smell my fingers. Then i fed him a few sunflwer seeds and i put the rest in my palm and he walked right on to my palm and i did that for a few days before i picked him up.

  4. Hamsters need to be tamed slowly, but when they are fully tamed this will be fine. He's only been with you a few days, so he'll be scared!

    When I tried to get my hamster used to me, I tried something that wasn't written about in books, as my hamster wouldn't take food from my palm. I put my hand in the cage, (make sure it's not the roof door!) and I left it flat and motionless. My hamster walked up to my hand and sniffed it, and repeated this for quite a while.

    After about 10 or so minutes, as long as he has sniffed you quite a few times, take your hand out very slowly. Try this for a couple of days, and then see how he reacts to food out of your hand. Then try picking him up.

    Also, don't be afraid to talk to him as you would a cat or a dog. A gentle voice can work wonders to a hamster, they find it soothing, and will grow to recognise it.

    In my opinion, the best way for a hamster to come out is out of the door, onto your hand, because that way it's his own choice and he will have already been to the bathroom! But that doesn't always happen... I think I'm just lucky in that respect!

    But if he is used to your scent, and knows he is in no danger, then he shouldn't be too frightened! Keep to slow, gentle movements and he should be ok soon :)

  5. Hamsters suck...they dont like to be hgeld and dont like people. They are not social at all. I prefer to have a pet that actaully enjoys your company and not one that rejects hamsters.

  6. well let him get used to you maybe check on him a few times per day so he sees you dont want to hurt him but it takes some time for the hamster to get used to the environnement maybe make a place for him to play out of his cage and you can pet him and he will see its ok

  7. you have to domesticate him you have to hold him a lot so he gets used to you if you don't want to get bitten were snow gloves.

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