
My teenager's body language...does someone know what this means?

by Guest56107  |  earlier

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While he's talking to me, my teenage boy often holds his hands clasped behind his back while tapping one foot behind the other (sort of like he's hitting the floor with the toes of one foot), and he leans into me. He's been sad lately, and he's taken to doing that. Any suggestions as to what this could mean?




  1. He's mad or sad.

    When ever my mom has a talk with me when I don't want to hear it I'll put my hand infront of me around my ribs and push my finger nails into my skin.

  2. i agree with blondie  

  3. well maybe hes on drugs... you can never be sure. it depeneds on the age hes at.maybe hes being left out of a social group. or maybe its girls. i would give him some time to figure it out and then if signs dont get any better try and talk to him about it.

  4. he is on drugs. Take him to rehab

  5. idk how about sing??  

  6. Sorry to say this but i think he probably is waiting on you to shut up..

  7. i'm a teen, and i know it may sound a little messed up, but he'd probably rather be doing something else than talking to you. i do it to my stepmother, but no one really seems to catch on to the "i'd rather be doing something else right now" movement.

  8. kay this is EXACTLY whats going through his mind when he is doing this:

    omfg why wont you shut the h**l up. okayokay i get it leave me alone. holy **** you can talk.. wtf go away. uuuuugh.

    lmfao sorry but its true!

    and to the chick who said maybe hes on drugs... wtf?

    hes not on drugs dude.

    and even if he was, how does standing a certain way mean your on drugs?

    lmfao whatever

    i think your on something

  9. He seems nervous, maybe not sure what your going to say. If its what he wants to hear. If your going to dissaprove of him. He seems like he is worried that  this is something that people wouldnt do. By holding his hands behind his back he is saying he is scared of what youmight say back, by tapping his foot he seems nervous, and leaning into you is kind of like saying its a trust thing. It basically seems to be that he likes talking to you but on certain topics he may be unseccure about them so he is nervous of the outcome of the conversation.

    Another thing aside from all that is that he could be hiding somethign from you. By not showing his hands its like he dissproves of himself and has done somethign wrong.

    I would try just asking him if theres a reason he stands like that and if he'd like to talk about it, teenagers sometimes just need a nudge to get the conversation started.

  10. when i do that to my parents it means i don't care what there saying i have better things to go do and places to be and stuff like that well actually i wouldn't put it that way i would say that i am board of what my parents are saying

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