
My teeth are in constant pain but dentist only gives Ibuprofen 800... how do I get something better?

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My teeth are in agony. In my back right molar, a filling fell out and not the tooth a decaying and it hurts horribly. I also have a cavity or gingivitis in my upper molar on same side and one in my front bottom teeth. I take care of my teeth but I still get cavities. I KNOW I will have to get at least two root canals but my dentist usually only gives Ibuprofen 800 I guess to avoid people getting addicted to Oxycodone. What is the best way to convince my dentist to give me Percocets to help with this agonizing pain without him thinking I am like a junkie or something? Thanks.




  1. Tell him the ibuprofen isn't helping.

  2. I am sooo sorry to hear about this....I just went through the same thing ( sort of ). I know how bad it hurts when you have teeth that are decaying and infected... and also how hard it is to get dentists to understand that you REALLY ARE IN PAIN! If you have already had Xrays done, and there is proof that you either do have an infection, which you will need antibiotics also, or, you will need a root canal, then they should be able to prescribe you some painkillers. My best advice is not to get angry and just tell them that you need ANYTHING, besides the ibuprofen, don't be pushy about what kind of painkiller you get. Anything would be better than what you have been getting. Good luck, I hope you get the help you need!!

  3. Ask another dentist, never hurts to shop around.

  4. your dentist is a fool, ,

    i think you should switch to a protective toothpaste rather than the commercial ones.

    also , if your dentist doesnt give u anything else, try getting codiene tablets / cough syrup. it's an opiate but pretty addictive too . so dont misuse it !

  5. tell  him the  urofieen stuff is not helping i had pain in my tooth once so i put some tooth paste on the tooth and dont eat the tooth paste if it soaks up and the tooth steel hurts u do it again and again and again till it stops hurting hope i helped oh....... make sure its mint flavoured tooth paste

  6. I would tell him that you are in total agony and there has to be something else he can give you. If he still says no, I would consider switching to another dentist. I've never heard of a dentist who only gives Ibuprofen for extreme pain such as that. For now, until you can get back to the dentist maybe try an OTC  topical numbing solution such as Ambisol or Orajel. I feel for you! Hope I could help!

  7. Change your dentist. If you doesnt listen and understand your problem then he's mostly likely the wrong dentist for you. You shouldnt have to convince him you have problems with your teeth

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