
My teeth hurts really bad and I can't go to the dentist...?

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I'm 18 years old and I have a cavity on my top molar for 3 or 4 months now. The pain goes on and off. Just recently it started hurting terribly and my head started to hurt at the same time. I haven't been to the dentist for a very long time. I've told my mom about it and she wasn't really worried. I've asked her to take me to the dentist many times, but she says that we don't have insurance and may have to wait till next year! I fear I may die before I even go to the dentist or even go to college... What should I do? (Don't say go to the dentist BECAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD IT!!!)




  1. Look up a Dental school in your area.

    You may be able to get free treatment or very cheap.

    They have an instructor overseeing everything so you don't need to worry about them s******g anyhting up

  2. Ummm...unfortunately your choices at this point are go to the dentist or have your tooth (and possibly the teeth next to it) rot out of your head.  Personally, I would go to the dentist and set up a payment plan for the next year to pay off the filling - but then I like having all my teeth.

  3. try a clinic. if you tell them you're on your own and show proof of (low) income, they can help you for cheap.

    a good way to take away the pain is to apply aspirin directly to the affected area. it tastes nasty, but it works.

  4. Go to a credited Dental School or University Dental School and try to work out a low cost payment plan.  The students do the work, but it is low cost.  Hopefully it hasn't gone to far or you may need a root canal.  $$$

  5. Get a job, even part time and save up the money to go..what other choice do you have? You think there is some miracle pain relief we can recommend? Sorry

    I'm not trying to be a smart a** but you are 18 and need money to go to a dentist. No other choice... it's only going to get worse.

    Why don't you call every dentist in the phone book and see if one will take payments or if there is a clinic where they do some pro bono work..

  6. I feel your pain. Most people will say go to the dentist but you can get pain relief by whole cloves that worked for me letting it sit on your gums. If your tooth is on the way to being abscessed you can let BC powder sit as close as you can to the infected gum or tooth and the pain will stop but don't swallow the BC spit it out! I hope this is helpful to your case but if your head does not stop please go to the emergency room they can give you a dental block and some antibiotics. You will know if you need to go, just keep in mind people have died from a bad tooth it puts poison in your blood. Hope you feel better!

    Here are some more you can try:

  7. i think you should get a job and try to earn money.

    im sorry i dont know a quicker way.

  8. Pulling a tooth most anywhere is under $100. Usually $65. For now swish warm salt water in your mouth and rinse with a fluoride restore type mouthwash. You can also buy that cavity putty that you can fill the cavity in yourself for about $6. Use clove oil if you can stand it, this stuff will kill the pain. Avoid sugar on that side of your mouth. Use motrin for the pain. You can swish with some hydrogen peroxide and water to clean it out. Don't worry. I've had issues with my dumb teeth too and I have learned every way possible to remedy a cavity.

  9. I think that you need to eat warm food have a heating pad on most of the time and not cold never cold for a tooth ache. And then when you get insures go to the dentist.

    Plz mark this as the best i need it.

  10. If you truely can't afford it, then you should be able to get Medicaid in your state and it would be free until your turn age 19-21 usually. The only thing that will help is antibiotics. If you have a general doc, maybe they will call you some in.

  11. Do you know of a free clinic in your area or a clinic that accepts patients on a sliding scale fee? If the pain gets too bad, you can go into an ER and ask for help. They will prescribe an antibiotic if you have an abscess. In the meantime, rinse with warm salt water and take Aleve or Advil for the pain. Good luck to you.

  12. Most Dentists can help you with payment arrangments. You really do need to go to the dentist, I'm sorry to say.

  13. It sounds like the nerve is exposed go to a&e its only going to get worse until the nerve dies, and that hurts even worse than what your going through now

  14. try to get a job, go to the dentist and finance the bill. im sure your mom has credit. the only thing you can really do besides the dentist is Orajel. but you should really go to the dentist. there is basically no other choice. you are not going to die either. your teeth will just all rot out of your head. and then you can blame your cheap mom for the toothless smile youll have

  15. Hey Darln', I know how you feel "ouch"...  First off, yes we can die from an infection and if the tooth gets so bad it is going to cost more than a couple of bucks...  I understand you can get a free check up and x-rays, or for about $100 bucks.  I also understand a cavity can be between $125 to $300 dependent on how bad it is, obviously it hurts so its getting worst and expect that once it hits the nerve you are going to hit the ground in agony...

    You got a couple of options, BEG your mom, or investigate the net or schools for discount internships or quickly get a part time job and rack up $300 bucks...

    * I would just like to point out how F'ed up our society is that our kids cant get the most basic ship done...  FU rich people, FU!!!  Democrats or Republicans its the same old bullship.

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