Ok, I'm not sure what to make of this dream, but I'm open to what you guys have to say.
Last night I had a dream where my teeth kept repeatedly falling out. At first I thought it was just one tooth that was missing, and then when I went to look in the mirror all my other teeth were gone. I rushed to show my mother but by the time I got to her they had already grown back in. However, by the time I got to a mirror again they had started to fall out and I kept them in a little jewelry box.
That happened about four or five times. I would even start pulling them out, but it didn't hurt and they would always grow back in. There was also a point where I threw up and all my teeth came out with it. In my dream my mom blamed it on a side effect of taking birth control. lol.
Anyways, usually I can find something happening in my life to relate my dreams to, but this time I'm stumped. I really have no clue. Do you know what it could represent? Thanks. :)