
My teeth still hurt from getting braces!!!?

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Okay so i got braces like 4 days ago and they STILL hurt!! How long are they suppose to hurt like this?!?!? They are driving me crazy!! I can barely eat ANYTHING. I can't even eat a slice of bread. The only things I can really eat are noodles, soup, mashed potatoes, ice cream, yogurt etc.. Any of you have any more ideas for food that I can eat? Thanks a lot! =]




  1. they won't stop hurting for a few days still, mine hurt for about a week to tell you the truth, maybe take some Advil.  bananas were a good food for me when i had braces.

  2. it's normal for them to hurt for like a week

    you could make some yummy fruit smoothies, eat italian ice and stuff like that and make sure you take Tylenol because it will help the pain.

  3. If you like try milkshakes!! they can be any flavor you want!!

  4. yes it is normol it hurts for the frist 4 maybe 5 day your teeth get ssensitve and it husrts when you get yeah dont worry you willl get use to it everytime you go to the dentist it will happen

  5. When I had my braces it took about 2 weeks for the inside of my mouth to toughen up from the pain. To get through it I bought Anbesol antiseptic for the mouth. I would rub it on the whole inside of my mouth to numb it. When you first put it on it burns for about 2-3 seconds and then no pain for hours. This allowed me to eat like a normal person. Also you might want to ask your doctor for some wax. You can put this in your braces where your inside of your mouth rubs on the braces. This also helped a lot.

  6. they will hurt for maybe at least a week.

    You could try,

    mac and cheese

    green beans(cooked)

    good luck!

  7. mac and cheese!

  8. if it doesn't gross you out, you can put pretty much anything you want in the blender and that way you can still taste your fave foods w/o the pain

    pain should go away in about a week

  9. take an ibuprofen. then you can eat anything....the pain should recede in about a day or two now

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