
My temperature is 102.9 right now, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm running a temperature. Not sure if this temperature is something to be concerned about.




  1. Take some ibuprofen or tylenol. Put something cool on your head,neck,legs etc. If you get too hot head to the ER. I think if you go to the hospital they will put ice on you.  

  2. get a tub of ice cold water and dunk your head in there i do that it knocks it down a couple of degrees then take advil pm it knocks you out for good sleep i have a cold right now that won't stop running and running and running i have to klenexis stuck up my nostrals  

  3. i'd stay home until you get better and wait til it passes.

    unless, of course, it gets worse. then go to the doctor.  

  4. If it gets much higher it can become problematic. I would take an advil, drink ice water, eat a Popsicle, or take a cool bath. Get some rest and if the temp isn't gone tomorrow, go to a doctor.

  5. advil for sure. any other symptons? maybe you should visit a good old doctor.

  6. Tylenol and cool towel behind your neck, if it goes above 103 head for the ER

  7. get some rest, your body is fighting the cold/flu. Make sure you have something in your stomach.

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