
My tenn. walker needs to gain some lbs. what should i feed her to gain weight & muscle?

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i feed her 10% sweet feed 2x a day, 4 sections of hay and she grazes. but she's still kinda lanky-ish.

is there a special kind of feed i can get to help her gain muscle and weight?




  1. give her grain and a little more feed

    if you work her the proper amount shell gain enough muscle

  2. ricebran

  3. if you give her bran mash once a week only like a quart a 1/2. this is what i do with my skinny horses

  4. You need to be working her - lots of trotting. When your horse has muscle she will be more filled out.

  5. my otb has been dropping weight. lately i have been giving him 2 scooops of Equine Senior along with his 1 scoop of sweet feed he already ganied 56 lbs

  6. My Quarter Horse is really hard to keep weight on, and i give him beet pulp, weight gain and muscle builder supplements and it works really well for me. I get all of my supplements from

    good luck!

  7. try rice bran oil, you pore a measured amount into her food once a day and it should put some wieght on her, it did my qh mare.

  8. There is a supplement called "Weight Gainer"

    Here's a link :)

  9. you could give her gamma its a great supplement that will help her gain weight

  10. Just remember, the tennessee walker breed isnt a very stocky breed of horse...

    Compared to say a quarter horse they would look thin...

  11. we loveeeeeeee feeding our horses!!! they are on a very intense diet because we  do a lot of horse showing- if my trainers ever saw a rib on one of our horses they would freak out! this is what my horse gets every single day, morning and night.

    morning and night- 4 big scoops of BEAT PULP, with a scoop and a half of senior feed. the smart pack supplement which is customized to what he needs, and also, a lot of corn oil on top of his food which does not only help put weight on, but makes his coat shiny.

    he also recieves hay through out the day if he is not in turn out, we let him eat lots of grass, and we also give him hay/grass cubes and he is one fat horse!!!

  12. My TB drops weight easily so I keep him on a diet of 4 litres of chaff, 1 litre of protein pellets such as cool blend 1 litre of molassified barley, 1 litre of pollard, 1/2 litre of bran and 1/2 litre of copra with 2 tbsp of specially balanced salts.  he also gets a biscuit of lucerne and a biscuit of oaten hay.( twice a day)

    Pollard, barley and copra are all great weight gainers but you have to be careful. You should not feed pollard to a horse without giving it bran as well and you should always wet it down. Copra has around 10% fat content so it should be adjusted according to exercise and molassified barley can cause bloating and tooth decay and should also be adjusted according to exercise levels.  The best thing for muscle gain is workouts   lots and lots of trotting, extensions are great because they stretch and work every muscle of the horse       ( not to mention yours too)  All of these feeds are cool feeds and should not make your horse hyper.

  13. I love the Dumor Weight builder supplement they sell at Tractor Supply, it's the EXACT same ingredients as the expensive stuff and its only like $20 bucks (compared to 37).  Every horse I have bought has been underweight and I put them on it and they do wonderfully.  Usually by the time they finish a bucket of it (following the directions printed on the bucket of course, i think it's 2 scoops a day) you can tell a difference!!  

    ALSO, make sure she is up to date on her worming, especially this time of year.

    Good luck!!

  14. i had a saddlebred mare that was like that... go to your local grocery store and buy veg. oil give her 1/4 cup of it a day and that will make her really shine and will help get some fat in places it needs to be... as for muscle and weight gain read on the feed sack how many pounds she should get and maybe try to stall her some so she will stand and not lose the weight... there are many places out there with good muscle and weight gainer supplements! good luck!

    try looking here...

  15. maybe increase the feed a SMALL amount, like a pound or put her on a weight gain supplement.

    also, supplements may say that they help build muscles, but the thing that will help her more is just being ridden or lunged daily. daily turnout helps, too. it also makes them happier.

  16. Beet Pulp is the vegetable matter that remains after sugar is extracted from sliced sugar beets. It is bulk feed, high in fiber and unique in that its fiber is extremely digestible. Beet Pulp swells tremendously when moistened which pulls the ration apart in the animal’s stomach and allows the gastric juices to circulate freely. This product should always be moistened with water!

    I use it and my horses have fattened up nicely. We had a bad winter and a hay shortage last year. It does not take but 5 minutes of your time to add a few scoops of it in a bucket and add water. I feed good alfalfa mixed hay because if your isn't a working horse it can be to rich of a diet. Because it is richer in energy and protein, alfalfa should be limit-fed—fed in a fixed amount—rather than offered free-choice. Horses that are fed too much alfalfa or allowed to eat as much as they want often relish the forage so much they will become obese. And obesity is certainly a predisposing factor for colic and laminitis. Because alfalfa has a higher nutrient value, less alfalfa hay will be needed to meet the horse's requirements, compared to the amount of grass hay needed.

    Do Not stall a horse that you want to build muscle on. It can also lead to bad behavior.

  17. Make sure you're feeding good quality feed. The better the feed is the less you have to feed to keep the horses weight. The horses I work with get about 6 flakes of hay, 2 small coffee-can sized scoops of grass pellets, and 2 medium size scoops of oats. They get really good quality feed, and are left out to graze all day. You can always up your horses feed if it isn't enough.

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