
My terrarium is a mess!!! help me i feel like scrapping it all and not starting over...?

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I feel like its not worth it...

I cant seem to do the water and land parts...

Like what should i do for the water part???




  1. make it half and half like make an island part of the tank and water for the other half. if you gave a pic i could help more.

  2. if you just want to give the effect of water in the terrarium you can take a mirror and bury the edges in the dirt and then take some pebbles and put around it to make it look like a little lake or something.

  3. Do you plan to put an animal in the tank?  That's the question to start with, and then to be sure they are plants it can safely ingest (if it's a grazing animal).

    Heat will also affect which plants you can use, based on the needs of the animal (if there is to be one).

    It's easier to help, if we understand what the ultimate goal is for your terrarium

  4. Mixed habitats are really hard. It is better and easier to make them mostly one type, then use pools of water, or shallow pans of soil for the other type.

    For example, a mostly land tank would be a few inches of a good terrarium soil mix with a container sunk in for a water pool. This would work for land animals that like a good soak or small swim.

    A mostly water tank can have a plastic tub of soil fit into it so it is wedged in and has a ramp going  into it. To clean, just life the soil out. (You can also rest the tub on some bloks, etc.)

    The ability to lift one material totally out for cleaning makes all the difference!

  5. i know how you feel my iguana draco and me had problems on trying to build his home. But i never wanted to give up but i knew what it felt like.

    Fill the tank with specified top soil for the animal and add branches twigs rocks etc add them to your liking then get a large bowl or something then add water. also what animal is for this I need to know.

    PS- Draco passed due to sickness

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