
My terripan/turtle has sore feet, how should i treat it before i get to the vet.?

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I have a yellow bellied slider that has red sore and slightly bleeding back feet. His front feet look perfectly fine. It has gotten worse over the past 3 days. They dont look very infected(no puss) but look wet and the nails are hard to see and there is a small bit of blood on one of his feet.

I dont know what caused it. Possibly the other terripan bit him(he is perfectly health looking) or he hurt his feet climbing on the brick in the water or it could just be an infection of some sort.

I heard to put in salt water for a few minuites every day to stop infection, is this ok to do with this particular species.

Is there any thing else i should do. Is this a common problem.




  1. your tank is too small for both of them and that is why your lil guy is being biten..May I suggest seperate into 2 different tanks,if you have a spare.** They cannot be together..

    ****email  again and please tell me how big your turtles are and how big is the tank they are in,K

    they eat alot of goldfish and guppies or minows and lettuce..

    you need to do it today get a cuttle bone from the bird dept and just put the thing in the turtle tank, it ia calcium and he is going to need alot of it.

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