
My test was positive but feels like my periods about to start?

by  |  earlier

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my period was due today but didnt start, so i took two tests which are both faintly positive

i now have cramp and feels like my period is going to start

has anyone else had this before?




  1. I felt like I was going to start my period for 3 weeks.  I finally took a pregnancy test and found out I was 5 weeks pregnant.  Good luck.

  2. I hope you're not having a m/c ...good luck !  

  3. Yeah i felt the same as you. I was late and i never am but i was pretty convinced my period was about to start because i kept getting the period pains, turns out i never did come on and im 33 weeks pregnant.

  4. The 1st time I got pregnant, I swore that my period was coming.. I took a test a few days in a row and it was negative. But not that day.  I was cramping like my period was coming for a few days. But my husband had a dream and made me test the day that I did...when I was sure I wasn't pregnant..and sure enough...he was right and I was wrong. The 2nd time(Where I am now) I KNEW I was pregnant even before the test became positive. Sounds like you are pregnant. Good luck. 2 faint + is pregnant...

  5. I too had a faint postitve test and period cramps.  I was convinced that my period was going to come until I had my first scan at 12 weeks! The period pain could be the implantation of the egg in the womb.  Good luck!

  6. Hello! This is completely normal!!! Those cramps are not period cramps but your uterus getting ready for the baby to grow in there ;) they do feel similar, though!!!

    Congrats --no matter how faint a positive is a positive!


  7. I had cramps that I thought were period cramps for about a week or so before I did a test. I was convinced my period was about to start.. the test said differently!  Its just your ligaments stretching, making room for you little one.

    Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy x

  8. A home pregnancy test would never say you where pregnant if you where not pregnant as the test detects a hormone in your urine that a womans body produces only when she is in fact pregnant. It is normal to get cramps and even spotting during the time that your period should be so if your period was due today then it's totally normal. Congratulations! xx

  9. some people still have periods when they are pregnant, so you might still get it!

    pains can happen at start of pregnancy too, i guess you just have to wait and see what happens...

  10. yep I had that too and was really scared but am 27 weeks now!

  11. For the first 9 weeks of my pregnancy if felt just like my period was going to start, so much so I would actually run to the bathroom to make sure that there was no blood.  Congrats!!

  12. Yes, I had this. I thought for sure my period was coming and that I had a false positive. The cramping got much lighter over the week, and I occasionally still felt the cramping until about 6-7weeks along.


  13. if you got a positive then that means you are pregnant. light cramps are normal in the first part of pregnancy because your uterus is stretching to make room for the baby. if there is bleeding with the cramps then i suggest that you go and see somebody.congrats and good luck!

  14. This is normal. With both my pregnancies, I thought I was going to start my period because I was cramping, but I didn't and everything was fine. If the cramping is really bad, though, see a doctor.  

  15. yes! the beginning of pregnancy also feels like the beginning of your period.

  16. That's normal. I felt cramps too when I was pregnant. So don't worry you're still pregnant.

  17. congratulations!!!   many many people confuse pregnancy symptoms with af symptoms.. so good luck

  18. I've never experienced this personally. But the cramps could be your period or because you are pregnant- theres no real way to tell.

    Even if your period does come you may still be pregnant as some women have periods through the pregnancy.

    Wait for another week- regardless of if you period comes or not, take another test.

    Or for piece of mind, go and see your GP they can help you either way.

  19. Yes, I had cramps at the time my period was due the first 2 months of all 3 of my pregnancies, completely normal! As for the faint lines, a line is a line, definitely a positive result just means yr HcG levels are still low (they will increase & when this happens the nausea will start)!


    The following link will explain about the faint line & cramps & make you feel much better!

  20. Do not worry unless you start to bleed.  if it is light pink to red, or any color in between, go to the ER if your obgyn can't see you asap.  The cramping and any other symptom you may have is your body getting ready for the baby to grow.  You will feel all different types of cramps, aches and pains throughout, it's all your bodies way of adjusting.

  21. try another test tomorrow.  i always felt like my period was about to start when i was newly pregnant.

    good luck!

  22. Yes I did. In fact I waited two weeks after my missed period because I kept thinking I was having PMS not pregnancy symptoms. I didn't know cramping was also a sign of being pregnant but it is. If you took the test and they are faint it still means your preggo! Congrats!!!

  23. the whole day iwas supposed to get my period (after two positive tests) i still went to the bathroom about every half and hour to make sure i wasnt getting it!! i felt like i was going to too!! i think its normal!! congrats!!

  24. it happens in pregnancy. try not to worry.

    also if you have slight bleeding now, its common too. as long as you are not in pain along with sever bleeding or bleeding with clots in it, you should be ok.

    Congrats on the baby, now relax and enjoy....make that doctors appointment today...woohoo....

  25. Hi there

    I have found out this morn im pregnant after missing a period i feel like i may come on, i been like this all day no blood.  Its only mild cramping.

    Try not to worry bout it just enjoy the experiance.

    Congrats and best of luck. x

  26. Yes! I had cramping a few days before my period was supposed to come. It never came after 3 days of being late i took a test and was pregnant. My cramps lasted for about 2 weeks.

  27. it's happened to me. meanwhile you're prego but the cramps still come.. it's because your body is getting used to a living thing inside you and how to control the cramps from coming. sounds weird... but it'll stop soon.

    if however, you have severe cramping and you're in pain, something could be wrong. If you bleed soon, don't be discouraged, Again, it's okay in the first few weeks... so, i've been told...

    Call you doc,. tell him/her that the tests are positive. he'll wanna see you soon to confirm it. Then once you're there, talk to him about having period like symptoms... He'll explain it to you better than any one of us can.  

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