
My thank you card for work colleagues

by  |  earlier

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On sunday, I got a phone call that my friend had been in a car accident and was on a life support devastated as I am..i accepted it, she died on monday..i got the call when i was in work and utterly went into tears i made the decision to stay in work even though colleagues wanted me to leave, they were just amazing, they comforted me and looked after me, I took a day off and they supported me when i decided i didn't want to go to the funeral, I want to get them a card and something else as a thank you because they were just's mixed s*x in our place with mostly more males...what i need help with is what do i write in the card, do i write about my friend, you know like thanks for helping and stuff like that, do i write it to the individual people who helped or to everyone!! i was thinking something like thanks for your support and comfort the past week through the recent loss of my friend kelly*...obviously im not going to write that something along those lines

sorry i know this question is boring, but it's important to me, also what could i get them, I'm thinking a cake or lollies ??




  1. I think a card is nice...but cake/lollies? Dont think its appropriate and would seem a little insensitive dont you think? As for the funeral you should go...she`s your friend and you should show your support and loyalty to her family.

  2. First of all I am very sorry for your loss, god rest her soul.

    I don't think our work mates expect anything in return. Not even an acknowledgment of there good deeds. If so I would just when I have the time, talk to each one privately and say thank you and tell them how much it meant to you.

    I am so sorry for your loss.  

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