I personally believe that when somebody dies their spirit do not come back at all unless permitted by God for whatever reason. In the bible it says that angels behold the face of the person they are watching over. Now demons are fallen angels. It is a very high possibility that when a person or a child dies the demon that is in them or was put in charge of them takes on the form of the person, imitating them etc. Just like a doppelganger where a demon takes the form of a person when they are alive. For e.g my grandma is alive and well and one day I saw her doppelganger. This demon however was wearing a dress I have never seen my grandma wear and it looked strange. Very demonic, her chest was sticked out and she seemed to be have a zombie look about her but it looked exactly like my grandma. After I saw that doppelganger I went to check on my grandma and she was sound asleep and she does not own a dress looking like the one I saw. Anyway I remember a woman's son had an imaginery friend. This imaginery friend said that he was taken by a man and killed. He even brought a picture of himself to the little boy. Well the woman's son started getting bad, he attempted to kill his sister's cat and he developed strange powers such as making things levitate. No longer did the son listen to his parents. He told them that the dead boy told him to do bad things. The mother did not know what to do. Her son's behaviour was becoming erratic. One night she was sleeping and she woke p to see a little boy coming towards her.She thought it was her son so she went over to hug him. Afterwards she took a good look at him and realized it wasn't her son but his imaginery friend. Right before her eyes this little boy transformed into a tall looking creature and he began to laugh at this woman then disappeared so she had to consult a priest to help her because she realized it was a demon. So my question is what are your thoughts about ghosts actually being demons? Do you agree or disagree, why or why not?