
My theory on ghosts................?

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I personally believe that when somebody dies their spirit do not come back at all unless permitted by God for whatever reason. In the bible it says that angels behold the face of the person they are watching over. Now demons are fallen angels. It is a very high possibility that when a person or a child dies the demon that is in them or was put in charge of them takes on the form of the person, imitating them etc. Just like a doppelganger where a demon takes the form of a person when they are alive. For e.g my grandma is alive and well and one day I saw her doppelganger. This demon however was wearing a dress I have never seen my grandma wear and it looked strange. Very demonic, her chest was sticked out and she seemed to be have a zombie look about her but it looked exactly like my grandma. After I saw that doppelganger I went to check on my grandma and she was sound asleep and she does not own a dress looking like the one I saw. Anyway I remember a woman's son had an imaginery friend. This imaginery friend said that he was taken by a man and killed. He even brought a picture of himself to the little boy. Well the woman's son started getting bad, he attempted to kill his sister's cat and he developed strange powers such as making things levitate. No longer did the son listen to his parents. He told them that the dead boy told him to do bad things. The mother did not know what to do. Her son's behaviour was becoming erratic. One night she was sleeping and she woke p to see a little boy coming towards her.She thought it was her son so she went over to hug him. Afterwards she took a good look at him and realized it wasn't her son but his imaginery friend. Right before her eyes this little boy transformed into a tall looking creature and he began to laugh at this woman then disappeared so she had to consult a priest to help her because she realized it was a demon. So my question is what are your thoughts about ghosts actually being demons? Do you agree or disagree, why or why not?




  1. Was there a question in that mess somewhere?  I couldn't be bothered to read it to the end.

    Here's my "theory" on ghosts, theres' no such thing.  

  2. tl;dr

  3. I have to agree that you're using the wrong terminology. A theory, at least scientifically speaking, is a theoretical explanation confirmed by reproducible independent research, simply put.  What you have here is a mixture of religion and mystical conjecture.

    * Whether the Bible is truth or not is matter of opinion

    * Demons may or may not exist. Most likely not.

    * There's no reason to think that everyone has a demon assigned to them

    * Demons, if they exist, aren't the type to wear dresses (at least I wouldn't if I were one)

    * You were dreaming

    If ghosts even exist, I'm not about to create a gigantic metaphysical mess by manufacturing a whole hierarchy of religious entities to explain them, and certainly not in the Science & Mathematics category. You might try this with better luck in the Religion & Spirituality category.

  4. Embrace REALITY!

  5. By definition ghosts are not demons any more than dogs are cats. First, we must define what a ghost, and likewise a demon, is prior to asserting how each comes about, or what each in fact is, in accordance to something like Heidegger's Dasein.  In all honesty a lot of this story sounds made up, as do most "demon" stories I've heard. But your question is no totally devoid of meaning, the real underlying question here is what are ghosts? We don't have any clue what they are, and I would in no way state that ghosts were the once living. It is possible that ghosts are something else entirely, like possible people.  

  6. Because of your die hard religious beliefs, you are incapable of thinking outside of that box, and attempting to grasp other forms of identifying it.

  7. Long way to go about a question.

    Here is what I think since you asked.

    Ghosts are people who have not made it to the other side for whatever reason.

    I do not believe in Demons or h**l. Those are made up by Men, Religous leaders to control the masses, The bible doesn't say anything about h**l. Look it up.

    Jesus didn't teach about h**l, He taught about God and heaven, how we are all a piece of God, and how we should behave, Not once did he say if you don't do as I say you wont get into heaven. Look that up too. To bad so many writings and teaching of his time had to be lost or Thrown away so the truth about life and death could be altered and people could be frightened into putting money in the church pocket.

    If God doesn't let angels or people out of heaven and the only option is a demon, Please explain how Jesus supposedly DIED and Came BACK in spirit.. His resurrection. He must have been a demon.

    Its to bad those we love will be so forgotten for what they really are when they die, and that is the spirit form of themselves, and when they try to communicate that they are in fact real and very OK where they are. Religious people will come in and dismiss them as demon. When they are just your Grandmother sending her love from the other side.

  8. i couldn't be asked 2 read all that....

  9. LOL nice story. And believers read the story carefully and you will come to the same conclusion as mine, nonsense if you are well enlightened in real paranormal experiences

  10. That's possible.

    It's also possible that ghosts are cultural constructs which, informed and sustained by the viewer's belief system, serve to provide comfort and understanding with regards to the subject of death.

  11. I, Javier The Great, beleive your theory is merely conjecture. there isn't any evidence to support that ghosts exist, let alone derive their origins. you also used another unproven group of entities to explain this one. this is not science, nor any credible theory. i reject your conjecture until you find evidence that suggests the existence of demons or ghosts. once you prove they exist, you can start working on your theory that they are one and the same.

  12. 1. Ghosts are non-sentient they are only replaying acts in their life.

    2. Spirits are non-living entities

    3. Demons are bad spirits

    I know you want this broken down more but there are spirits such as angels that have never live. Just as some demons may have never had an earthly existence.

    Spirits can also be people that have never left or left and returned to this plane. Apply #3 rule to #2 again.

    Don't get too caught up in putting everything in its category nice and neat from the tone of your question is is much larger than you think it is.

  13. Reikei chick couldn't have put my thoughts down better.

    My philosophy is similar.

  14. way too much to read and digest.

    My head is spinning

  15. The question of the existence of ghosts, angels, demons etc. is a hard one to answer because of a few things...

    Firstly, there is very little scientific evidence that supports or disputes their existance.

    Secondly, religious beliefs often are embedded in a culture, and have deep roots through a person's upbringing. This makes it harder to view things more objectively for some people.

    Thirdly, everyone has a story to substantiate their own beliefs.

    Personally, I believe that ghosts are the souls of people who have passed on that have become trapped between the worlds for whatever reason. I believe that they need help to continue on to the next world.

    I also happen to believe in the existance of Angels and Demons, but I do not believe in them as christian religious folklore often dictates, although I have heard many stories similar to the one you told about the boy and the friend. Personally, I think of these stories as similar to net hoaxes. It always seems to be a friend of a friend whom it happened too, so it has an aura of truth to it, when in fact, when researched out, its origins are hard to find.

    That is just my own belief.

    So where does that leave you??? You need to find your own beliefs based on education and experience.

    I hope that helps. :)

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