
My thermometer gauge on my car is sticking to 0 degrees. What gives?

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I have a 2000 VW Jetta and lately the temp gauge in the dash has been staying at 0, when I know there's no way my car is running COLD after 10 mins - in the summer.

And it doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes it works fine and goes to its obligatory 190 degrees timely. But the last few weeks, it stays at 0.

The car hasn't run over yet (thank goodness), what gives? Please help.




  1. try checking your fuse , terminal connections and body grounding poor electrical connections are the usual cause.

  2. Its happened twice to me. i called the dealer and they said the thermostat is sticking. its time for a new one.

  3. I would say your temp cending unit,attached to your engine is breaking loose from it's wire,or it's going bad.

  4. Sounds like either a loose electrical connection or a failed engine temperature sensor. Check for loose connections first.

  5. Ignore the "the sky is falling" crowd of answerers that is trying to convince you your thermostat is bad or you're out of coolant.  You aren't, or it wouldn't work fine on occasion.

    Either the wire came off the sensor, or the sensor is bad.  Plug it back in, or replace the sensor.

  6. It is time for a new thermostat to be installed. Most of the time when they stick or show that you are running hot and the car starts running terribly it is time for a new thermostat. I would take it in a get it replaced and have them check out the rest of the car for a routine checkup.  

  7. Check to see if there is any coolant in your cooling system, if so its the coolant temperature sensor.

  8. Are you in Alaska? Maybe the temperature IS zero.

  9. It is not the thermostat. If it was the thermostat then the car would overheat. You obvioulsly have a faulty coolant temperature sensor. Get it replaced asap because not only will it cause your gauges not to read accuratley, but some EFI computers use this sensor to monitor the fuel system. In other words, you could be burning more gas than you should.

    This is a pic of your sensor.

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