
My things happen to us during our lifetimes,some good some bad?

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its important that we learn from bad as well as the good.doors open and close and its important we go through the right door as we grow or we need new lessons,what do you think?




  1. have you ever watched the movie "shadowlands" with Sir Anthony Hopkins?  it is based on the life of writer C.S. Lewis.  

    he start out giving a speech one way but when he meets a woman that he falls in love with, his speach changes.  as they meets adversity together, his speech changes again.  he finally gets "real" with himself and the world.  in one part of the movie he tells his brother that he's just run up against a  bit of experience.  he says experience is a brutal teacher but my God how you learn.  

    it illustrates the difference between theory and experience and how all of us are changing depending on what is introduced into our lives.  it brought it home to me like nothing else ever has that life experiences change us and makes us stronger than we ever though we could be or stronger than we ever wanted to be.

    i hope you enjoy the movie cuz i just know you are going to rent it!  personally, i own it...

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