
My three year old and five month old both sleep with me is that a bad thing?

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They always have! I have always loved the smell and feel of them being close to me.But now I think it's time for my three year old to get in his own bed and bedroom but I don't really know how to do it with out really hurting him...he is used to crawling in bed with me and just going to bed when i go to bed.So how can I do this easily on him and should I stop my five month old from sleeping with me now to save it rom future delimas?




  1. I think it is how you feel in your heart what is best for your 3 year old. Only you know what is the right thing to do. If you feel it is time to start him in his own bed, then start putting him to sleep with you in his bed if you have to or when he goes to sleep transfer him over. I think it is more of your insecurities of why he isn't sleeping in his own bed. Some parents just want their babies near them. After all you carried them for nine months and to just let go is easier for other parents then it is for some. As far as the five month old. Very dangerous you need to put a portable bed type thing in your bed or near your bed. I just know that no one can tell you if it is right or wrong and when it is time. If you are asking this question it is either one or two reasons..people are putting the question out there for you or you know it is time to do the change.

  2. There is nothing wrong with having your kids sleep in your bed with you.  It's called co-sleeping and it is actually very good for their development.  If you are like me and are now having trouble fitting in your bed with both kids, (we have a 2 and 4 year old, and another on the way) you might wanna try putting both of them in their own bed together.  That way, they are still sleeping with someone so they won't feel alone, but you will be able to have some room to yourself.  :)

  3. buy a nice bed with cars or diago for him, then he will likes to stay in his own bed

  4. Yeah it going to be hard on your three year old son sleeping in his own bed. I would start with your 5 month old now to sleep in it own bed. And try to work with your three year old next. My brother and his girlfriend had his first daughter sleeping with them till three year old I think she was. Then when they seperated. She had to move to sleep in her own bed. My brother had hard time doing it but he finally got her to sleep in her own bed. I think it work with him slowly. And then he get used to it.

  5. I have a 3 year old and I am having a terrible time getting him out of my bed.  I would try to brake him now and put your 5month old back in the crib or you are going to go through the same thing with him/her.

  6. The three year old should definitely have his own bed now that he is older. You should never sleep with infants because you could easily roll over them  and suffocate them. I know most mothers say that they wold notice if they were sleeping on top of their kids but since they are so small you sometime really would not be able to feel it when you roll on top of them. The baby should have its own crib, not another place to sleep, but specifically a crib because they are the safest place for babies to sleep. Just make sure you have correct padding and a crib liner for the baby not to get caught or stuck between the mattress and the crib itself.

  7. While many people choose to co-sleep, you have to consider the future effects.  A child that has always slept with you is not going to want to sleep in their own bed.  Ever.  Old habits die hard.  It has been noted (and argued) that sleeping with a baby contributes to the risk of SIDS.  I just think that letting a child sleep with you until they are 3 (and they are so used to it) and then trying to make them move to their own bed will not be easy, but I never co-slept, so opinions will vary on this subject.

  8. What are your reasons for having your children sleep on their own? If you know why, then you can decide if it's time or not.

    People sleep with their infants and young children in bed in many other countries, it's not unusual. It's been going on since the beginning of mankind.

    After all this time, maybe you just want the bed to yourself? You get less sleep when children are lying with you, because part of you is awake for them. Also, how do you get intimate with your husband, and what if you feel like drinking? You can't do those things with your babies in your bed.

  9. If you think you're ready for 3 yr. old to have his own bed (because you'd like to claim your own bed back for yourself) you can try to bribe him with a toy (that's what worked for me, to get my 3 yr old to sleep in her own bed. But start with it slowly. Don't do it cold turkey. In the beginning, lay down with him in his bed, until he's sleeping, and allow him to come to your bed at night (if you're not too tired to bring him back to his own bed, then try to do that too.)

    It takes time, but the transition is not impossible.

    Whether or not you want to keep your 5 month in your bed, should be a decision based on your sleeping comfort, what you feel is best for baby and you at the present, Just as you'll be successful with transition with your older son, you'll be successful with transition with the 5 month old when the time comes.

  10. Co-sleeping is great, don't doubt your decision, you can get your 3 year old involved in picking out a bed and bedding maybe that would excite him, and see what happens.  Give him the option of his bed, he will probably take it, and if he needs you in the night, let him know that he can come to you, if that is alright with you.  The 5 month old is too young, unless you don't want this anymore then get him/her in his own bed too.  I think this is natural, to sleep with your kids, but if anything bothers you about it, then give yourself and your kids options to get through the night.  

  11. does your 3 yr old have day sleeps? if yes start with puting them in own bed then to start

  12. i wouldnt be concerned about the 3 year old, because i slept with my parents until i was..gosh..probably 10 years old! haha. but i would be worried i might roll over on the 5 month old and hurt him or even worse!! =[ i know when i have my baby ill want he/she to sleep with me, but ill be so scared! just make sure that you cant roll over on him and neither can your three year old, or knock into him in either of yalls sleep, etc. and i think it will be fine!

    if you want your three year old to stop sleeping with you, give him a little "prize" for sleeping all by himself, like a big boy. read him a book at bed and tell him how proud you are of him

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