
My three year old daughter, has this thing that she has been doing since she was in her first year...?

by  |  earlier

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some times she lays on her back and crosses her legs and does this leg lift type things, but her whole body tenses up and her face turns red. So my question is has anybody ever seen a child do this before and do you know what its caused from?

I asked the doctor and he said it is somthing that she will grow out of.

I was also talking to a freind today and she told me that i should go have her checked for epilepsy?

Any suggestions?





  1. My niece does this! If the doctor says she'll grow out of it, she will. She's doing it because it "feels good" my little niece does the same thing but lies on her stomach. I dunno what it's caused from, but it's nothing you should worry about.

  2. i do not know do you work out in front of her

  3. Hmm.

    Is it toddler masturbation?

    Was your doctor concerned that it might be seizures? Your doctor would have sent you guys to a neurologist at the suspicion of seizures, so maybe it's a stimulation thing.

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