
My three year old is losing his first tooth. Is this too soon?

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My son will be four in three days and came home from preschool with a loose tooth. The tooth is the upper incisor. I know that the average age is six but should we be concerned about the potential premature nature of this?




  1. No, you shouldn't be concerned. Children are losing their teeth earlier and earlier. Also, just b/c it is loose doesn't mean it will come out soon. It could remain loose for months and months. However, if it does come out this early expect to have to wait a while for the permanent tooth. Upper incisors normally come in around age 7-8, so you may be waiting on it for a while which is common. Some children lose their teeth and have large spaces of time before the permanent actually erupts while others immediately get the new one. The above person has a great point. Children often fall or bump into things and knock teeth loose.



  3. you probably let him sleep with juice at night when he was a baby or something. He just simply didnt take care of his teeth good. medical atention needed

  4. Probably has a new one coming in or he may have taken a good left hook.

    If its the First of the Above ( $10.00 under the pillow, inflation you know)

  5. It is very normal at his age to lose his first tooth. My kids all varied significantly in this. One lost her first tooth at 3.5, one at 4, and three of them at 5.

    Kudos on keeping them away from sweets. My kids are vegetarians too and I always keep them away from junk food. Remember that these are just baby teeth. It seems that the tooth was healthy and just ready to fall out. That is a good sign of healthy adult teeth to come.

    Even my cousin who I have custody of had a decay disorder with her baby teeth. But she went on to have perfectly healthy adult teeth and a gleaming smile.

    If you are still concerned just talk to your dentist and your child's next visit.  

  6. It is a little early so you may want to check with your dentist.

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