
My three year old is to active for me or my husband to keep up with? What do we do?

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She is in daycare and has been for two years, my husband and I both work full time. She is non-stop when we get home in the afternoons is this normal?




  1. Here is the #1 Site I recommend for ALL parent and caregivers . I love it , I find it wil keep you coming back for more and more

    Todays Parent

  2.'s called being a normal 3 three old. That's what kids do..and I feel for ya...I have 4 year old twin just deal with it.

  3. Try sending her to school at age 4-5. That is a good way to keep her mind focused on school, and, the advantage is.... If she gets held back, or goes to a more advanced school, she won't be the oldest. She'll fit in just right. My parents did the same with me! :) I never got held back!!! Smart Idea, you should try it.

  4. Yeah, it's pretty normal.  Maybe you can schedule some active outdoor play after work and school so she can run off some of that energy.  Going to the part for a walk or bike ride will make you guys feel more energetic also.

    BTW, where's Grandma?

  5. Yep, It normal I have worked with kids who are four and all they do is go, go, go.

  6. yep they fast arent they hey just think of it this way your getting a good work out everyday for the next few yrs.... it could be some of the food shes eatting but i dont think will help you any just lock the door and pick up all the bad things and let her go get her more toys

  7. Yup.  It's one thing that people just won't understand until they become a parent.  Most know it takes a lot of energy to be a parent, but one cannot imagine how much until you're there.

    Realize, though, that if you keep working through it and keep digging deeper for more energy (even if it feels like you have none), you'll always be able to look back on it and say it was the number on thing you were glad you did.

    As far as ideas of how to handle it, I would suggest having a normal routine.  She comes home, you two play together for a set amount of time.  Then she has to play on her own while you get dinner ready.  After dinner, she has a choice of a quiet time with you/your husband (such as reading) or playing on her own or with friends.  Then at whatever time, it's a bath and reading stories to get ready for bed.

    Not that you have to follow that exact routine, but having a routine will help her know what's coming next and help you know when you have free time coming up to have some relaxing time or get work done.


  8. that is normal for a three year old. stay in shape and physically fit.

  9. Enjoy it while it lasts. Just wait until she becomes a teenager.

  10. yes, this is very normal.  And I have sooo been there!!

    Part of this is the excitement of seeing you keys her up.

    Also, think of it like a spring, she stays "wound-up" all day trying to be good and coping with all she has to cope with being in daycare (and yes, they have a lot to cope with).   When she gets home in a safe environment she "springs" open.

    And she starving for one-on-one time with you.

    And she has a lot of pent up energy.

    And she is tired, which can really key kids up, as well as being hungry.

    All of these things will contribute.  Right when you have to get dinner, you're tired.  It is a train wreck waiting to happen.

    Try taking her to a park right after you pick her up and have a snack handy, and really interact with her.  Play hide and go seek, play princess and the dragon - whatever.  Just don't stand there and watch her.  Engage her.

    Try and have dinner planned.  Better yet - if you have a crock pot- use that so you don't have to be distracted cooking dinner.  If you do cook, involve her.  The more 1-on-1 she gets the better she'll behave.

    And truthfully, if you don't have to work full-time.  I stopped working and the behavior of my child improved dramatically and our thought that we could barely afford for me to stay home for one year has now stretched into 4!

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