
My three year old son says F*** You to me and others. HELP?

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His dad says it to me sometimes and that's how he heard it. I tried to get my husband to stop swearing but he says he's an adult. What can I do to get my son to stop, should I punish him for saying something his dad does?




  1. yell at him & tell him that its not nice & u dont want to hear him say it again    but if he does smack him once let him know again that its not a nice word but every time he says it add another smack

    EG: if he says F*** you once smack him ( after the talk) if he says it again 2 smacks then so on he will stop

    maybe your husband needs to grow up & stop swearing when the kids around   hes messed up

  2. you need to start spanking him right on his behind and when your husband says it smack him too. tell your huband that your son doesn't respect you because he doesn't. maybe your son will see you smack dad too and know that word is bad

  3. Well if you and your husband have an argument take it outside or the the bedroom where he can't here. Also give him a TAP NOT SMACK on the hand every time he says it.  

  4. dialtechd said Smack him

    I agree. Smack him.


    smack them both*

  5. A child's most important teachers of their lives are their parents.  As long as your husband continues to curse your son isn't going to stop.  Your son has learned that, that kind of language is appropriate.  No way should he be punished for something his father taught him!  He is a small child and learns from the world around him.  His father insists on teaching him foul language, blame the Father, not the child.

  6. tell your son that the word is bad and tell your husband to stop swearing. don't punish your son for copying his dad, the dad is his role model, as are you. but get him to stop saying the word. i doubt he understand what it means.  

  7. tell hims thats wrong to say, and if he does not listen, ground him, take a away that goods that he likes.

  8. When your husband does it in front of your son, "punish" him. Tell him "_______, that's not nice to say. Go to your room." and make him go there. Your son will see that Daddy did it and got punished. If he does it, punish him severely.

  9. this is a very short but very good answer: watch supernanny

  10. Punish your husband. That kind of language is not right to say around a child and he should know better.

    Rolling On The Floor Lauhing My *** Off  

  11. OMG!!   What is your husband thinking??

    Yes your son needs to be taught that some things adults do and say are not for children.

    It's no different than telling your son he is not allowed to drive the car, or cook on the stove, or use a lighter.  

    Children have to learn age appropriate behavior.  And your husband needs to learn age appropriate behavior around his son.

  12. Although you husband shouldnt be swearing around your son, tell your son once he reaches a certain age (it was 15 for my brothers and i) we could swear. A common mistake parents have is just telling the child off, and forgetting about it. My parents made us wash our mouths out with soap, literally! It wasnt fun, and it sure taught us a lesson.

  13. Well, you need to simply have a long talk with the father.   The father of your child shouldn't be cursing in front of your son.  "I'm an adult" is not an excuse because cursing just shows someone's ignorance and by your husband continuing to use this language your child will want to be like his father and use the same kind of language.   Sadly, your only solution is to get your husband to quit cussing and when he does you need to go the extra mile and get your kid to stop as well with something like, "Daddy doesn't say that so you shouldn't either"  "that's a bad word"

    If the kid keeps cussing after the father does you'll need to punish him to get him to stop.

  14. laugh, and be thankful he doesnt know what it means. its jsut a word, the intent behind the word is whats offensive... so if your husband is teaching him THAT then you have bigger problems...

  15. capitol punishment

    don't be one of those "ok billy, go sit in the corner and think about what you did" type parents haha

  16. you need to stop your husband and your son!

    its not right for one of them to say it and not the other one.

  17. well he is going to continue if your husband doesnt stop.which i must say is really rude to you anyways hun...the bes thing to do is just let him know its an adult word and its a NO NO..otherwise the best way is to just ignore it..if no one else is saying it around him..he will forget it most a toddler its fun for him to see the reaction you get when he says igore it and the word is no longer fun for him...good luck dear

  18. Yes you have to punish the kid.   I used to curse around the kids.  My favorite saying was "... needs his asssssss whooped"  And i thought it was funny when the kids said it.  Their mom got them to stop by telling them that it was bad and punishing them when they said it anyway.  And i stopped saying it (so much).

  19. First I wouldn't punish him for something he thinks is okay. You need to explain to him that just because Daddy says that word doesn't mean he can. I have had this problem, I also have a 3 year old. Then after he understands that it's not a word he can say, then move on to punishment. Time out works great.  

  20. Punish your husband first!  There is never a reason for any man to ever speak to a woman that way (and vice versa).  I suggest you two work a little harder on your relationship if he feels this is appropriate language to say to you, let alone to say it in front of his son.  Marriage/family counseling perhaps?

    As for your son, tell him that its a bad word and he shouldn't say it.  Just make it clear that its "yucky" and Daddy is a bad boy for saying it as well.  Other than that, try your hardest not to make a big deal out of it.  The more attention you draw to it, the more he'll say it.

    *Do NOT tell him that its a Daddy word.  In his mind, that means the word is still an OK word as long as Daddy is saying it.  He needs to know that even Daddy is wrong for using such inappropriate language.  Your son is going to grow up to treat women just as disrespectfully as your husband does if you don't nip this in the bud.

    **rotflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my *butt* off.

  21. smack his bottom red (you can do this with your husband as well)

  22. U mm what kind of husband is he? My dad never swore at my mom nor did she swear at him. They never fought in front of me and my brother and thats how we learned to be respectful.

    When you become a parent your role is to become a teacher for your kids and right now your husband is lacking that.

    Before you talk to your child you should talk to your husband. Hes an adult so he can say swear words to YOU and in front a child?, especially his? Thats not being an adult thats being a rude teenager. He should know better and if he wants his kid to succeed and become a better person he better act his age and not swear to you and be a respectful person.

  23. next time he says it....make sure your handprint is visible on his face.  He'll learn...QUICK.

  24. yes punish him o-o"

    fast don't let him get used to saying that. please don't let him think thats okay. While your at it punish your husband for teaching his 3 year old son that. Hah i'm not even kidding.

  25. You just need to be firm with him and explain that what dad says is wrong and the next time he says it he's in trouble. And if your son says it again just put him in time out until he says he's sorry and he won't say it again. He should get the message.

  26. Wow.  That is a tricky situation because you can tell him that it's not appropriate and bad to say that word and all, and he may get it, but the signal will be mixed the second that he hears his dad say it again!  Dad says it, so it must be ok.  Man, your husband isn't getting the point that you're not trying to censor him as an adult, but trying to teach your son how to appropriately express himself.  My question to this would be has your husband heard him say this?  If he has, then I think that you need to have your husband be the one to discipline your son if you both hear it.  That way he isn't just getting one message from you and another from his dad.  That way he gets it that both parents believe that he shouldn't say it.  If your husband won't do that, then it gets trickier.  I might suggest trying to get your husband to attend a parenting class with you.  I'm definitely not saying that you're a bad parent, by any stretch.  If anything, in addition to getting a few new ideas on parenting, you might even be able to get your husband to buy in to the idea of not swearing, or at least supporting you, in front of the kids.  I hope this helps.  Good luck!

  27. Every time he says it pop him, put soap or hot sauce in his mouth and tell him not to say that word.Tell him that is not nice and that it is a bad word. Tell him it is a bad word and that daddy shouldn't say it either. When his daddy says it say "Bad word daddy"!  

  28. Just teach your son that it's bad and if you're kid hears something he's gonna repeat it so you need to tell your husband to stop it.

  29. I am sorry you are not getting support from your husband. As his father, he should be really sensitive to what kind of example he is to your son. He also should not be using that kind of language with you, especially in front of your son. Unfortunately, that is what is happening. I don't think "smacking" him is going to help. Try to explain that even though daddy uses a bad word, its not ok and he should not use that word. Think of a punishment, like time out, no tv, whatever, that he will really not like at all. Be consistent. Every time he uses that word, enforce the punishment. Don't let him get away with it. And make sure he never hears you say that word. It may take time but I think after awhile, if you don't give in, you can get him to stop. Then, when your husband goes to sleep, wash his mouth out with soap.

  30. you have to teach him that its not okay for him or daddy to say cant control your husband but you can control your son. Punish him every time he sys it, and be strict

  31. I don't know but I used a little bit of tobasco hot sauce on my 3 yr old two years ago.. and he never said a bad word ever since.. it works and it's food ... just a little bit on the lips ... ;-)  

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